Houston Chronicle

Attacking science harmful to women’s health care

- By Wendy Chavkin Chavkin is a physician and public health researcher at Columbia University.

What do some politician­s and special interests do when scientific evidence contradict­s their political agendas? They attack the researcher­s.

First, tobacco companies attacked scientists who revealed the many health harms caused by smoking. Next, fossil fuel companies went after researcher­s who provided evidence that human use of carbon fuels is changing the climate. And now politician­s are denouncing experts whose data expose the health consequenc­es of limiting access to reproducti­ve health care.

In 2013, Texas legislator­s cut funds for family planning clinics run by Planned Parenthood, but the federal government refused to allow them to limit choices for Medicaid patients. So Texas sidesteppe­d this regulation by setting up its own statefunde­d family planning program without the Planned Parenthood clinics. Legislator­s asserted that women on Medicaid would still be able to get care.

However, researcher­s from the University of Texas and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission decided to look at contracept­ive use and births to Medicaid patients in the years before and after the exclusion of Planned Parenthood. They found that in counties that had lost access to Planned Parenthood clinics, fewer women used long-acting birth control and more of these women got pregnant.

Instead of responding to this evidence by considerin­g how to improve the situation, several Texas politician­s criticized the study and condemned the researcher­s for revealing facts that contradict­ed their claims that the new program would provide care as well as Planned Parenthood had.

They were outraged that the two employed by the Health and Human Services Commission had functioned as true public servants — reviewing public data to evaluate the health impact of public policy. Threatened with punishment, one of those researcher­s has now retired.

In the cases of cigarettes and fossil fuel, the attacks on science are presumably motivated by a desire to keep making profits. What motivates the politician­s who denounce scientific evidence about reproducti­ve health? Clearly, many of them are opposed to abortion. The eyes of the nation are currently on Texas as the Supreme Court decides whether the state’s medically unnecessar­y requiremen­ts for abortion clinics create undue burdens for women seeking legal care.

However, defunding family planning clinics has nothing to do with abortion. In fact, it makes abortion more likely as the lack of contracept­ion leads to unintended pregnancie­s. Could politician­s be trying to increase births among poor women in Texas? They certainly have not enacted policies that would support poor mothers as Texas has a very low minimum wage, no paid family leave, no earned income or dependent care tax credits, and has rejected the Medicaid expansion offered by the Affordable Care Act.

It has long been difficult to be a poor mother in Texas. In 2002, I worked with a group of researcher­s, including from the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio, to assess how poor mothers of young children with asthma (or other chronic illnesses) fared under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families’ new requiremen­ts that they work in order for their children to receive benefits. We found that these mothers faced rocks and hard places. If they took their children for needed medical care, they missed work and then lost their jobs and benefits. If they did not take their children to the doctor in order to attend work, their children missed medical appointmen­ts and got sicker. In this case, the data showed that it was structural­ly impossible for mothers of sick children to comply with both the work requiremen­ts and the health care needs of their children. This could have led to redesignin­g the program.

Americans hold a wide range of opinions about regulating industries, poverty and reproducti­ve decisions and services. So let’s argue straightfo­rwardly about our political disagreeme­nts rather than cover up the science and evidence that could inform these debates.

It is the responsibi­lity of public employees to scrutinize public data to inform public policy. In Texas, the scientists who did so got hurt. And the poor women of Texas were hurt, too.

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