Houston Chronicle

Clinton Foundation donors got face time with her at the State Dept.

- By Stephen Braun and Eileen Sullivan

WASHINGTON — More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It’s an extraordin­ary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president.

Donors who were granted time with Clinton included an internatio­nally known economist who asked for her help as the Bangladesh government pressured him to resign from a nonprofit bank he ran, a Wall Street executive who sought Clinton’s help with a visa problem and Estée Lauder executives who were listed as meeting with Clinton while her department worked with the company’s corporate charity to counter genderbase­d violence in South Africa.

They are among at least 85 of 154 people with private interests who either met or had phone conversati­ons scheduled with Clinton and also gave to her family’s charities, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far.

Combined, the 85 donors contribute­d as much as $156 million. The 154 does not include federal employees or foreign government representa­tives.

Price of admission

The AP’s findings represent the first systematic effort to calculate the scope of the intersecti­ng interests of Clinton foundation donors and people who met personally with Clinton or spoke to her by phone about their needs.

The meetings between the Democratic presidenti­al nominee and foundation donors do not appear to violate legal agreements Clinton and former president Bill Clinton signed before she joined the State Department in 2009. But the frequency of the overlaps shows the intermingl­ing of access and donations, and fuels perception­s that giving the foundation money was a price of admission for face time with Clinton. Her calendars and emails released as recently as this week describe scores of contacts she and her top aides had with foundation donors.

Donald Trump’s vice presidenti­al candidate, Mike Pence, said Tuesday the overlaps were “further evidence of the pay-to-play politics at her State Department” and called for a special prosecutor to investigat­e.

‘Potential conflicts’

Last week, the Clinton Foundation moved to head off ethics concerns about future donations by announcing changes planned if she is elected. Those planned changes would not affect more than 6,000 donors who have already provided the Clinton charity with more than $2 billion in funding since its creation in 2000.

“There’s a lot of potential conflicts and a lot of potential problems,” said Douglas White, an expert on nonprofits at Columbia University. “The point is, she can’t just walk away from these 6,000 donors.”

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement Tuesday the standard set by the Clinton Foundation’s ethics restrictio­ns was “unpreceden­ted, even if it may never satisfy some critics.”

Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladesh­i economist who won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize for pioneering low-interest “microcredi­t” for poor business owners, met with Clinton three times and talked with her by phone during a period when Bangladesh­i authoritie­s investigat­ed his oversight of a nonprofit bank and ultimately pressured him to resign from the bank’s board. Throughout the process, he pleaded for help in messages routed to Clinton, and she ordered aides to assist him.

Grameen America, the bank’s nonprofit U.S. flagship, which Yunus chairs, has given between $100,000 and $250,000 to the foundation — a figure that bank spokeswoma­n Becky Asch said reflects the institutio­n’s annual fees to attend Clinton GIobal Initiative meetings. Another Grameen arm chaired by Yunus, Grameen Research, has donated between $25,000 and $50,000.

 ?? Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press files ?? The access that Clinton Foundation donors had to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state raises ethics concerns for her potential presidency.
Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press files The access that Clinton Foundation donors had to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state raises ethics concerns for her potential presidency.

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