Houston Chronicle

Methane rule’s repeal said to hit snag in Senate

- By Jennifer A. Dlouhy and Ari Natter

A top oil industry priority on Capitol Hill may fall victim to an unrelated dispute over ethanol.

At stake is an Interior Department rule forcing energy companies to curb emissions of methane escaping from wells and pipelines on public land. Senate Republican leaders say they are close to getting the 51 votes they need to overturn that Obama-era regulation using expedited repeal procedures under the Congressio­nal Review Act.

But now, with a deadline about a week away, that campaign is on the verge of capsizing.

Four Midwest Republican­s, including Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and John Thune of South Dakota, told Senate leaders the price for their votes for the methane measure is a change in ethanol policy, according to people familiar with the talks who spoke anonymousl­y.

The lawmakers demanded that the measure, which would free up use of higher blends of ethanol, be included in the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill set to advance this week. It wasn’t. Ethanol advocates want the Environmen­tal Protection Agency or Congress to waive rules that restrict gasoline blends containing more than 10 percent ethanol from sales in summer months. Such a waiver already applies to gasoline containing 10 percent ethanol, but not higher ethanol blends — effectivel­y barring their sale from June 1 until Sept. 15 in some areas when smog is a problem.

The issue is a top priority for biofuel producers such as POET, and industry trade groups. Advocates of the change have asked EPA Administra­tor Scott Pruitt to unilateral­ly issue a waiver and advanced legislatio­n to make the shift. Including it in the must-pass spending bill would ensure it makes it through Congress and is signed into law.

But ethanol supporters are asking Republican leaders for a commitment to put the ethanol provision on a must-pass bill later, according to one person familiar with the discussion­s.

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