Houston Chronicle

Yates told White House that Flynn was a risk

But Trump waited 18 days after being told before firing him

- By Matt Apuzzo and Emmarie Huetteman

WASHINGTON — Five days into the Trump administra­tion, Sally Yates, the acting attorney general, hurried to the White House with an urgent concern. The president’s national security adviser, she said, had lied to the vice president about his Russian contacts and was vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow.

“We wanted to tell the White House as quickly as possible,” Yates told Congress on Monday. “To state the obvious: You don’t want your national security adviser compromise­d with the Russians.”

But President Donald Trump did not immediatel­y fire the adviser, Michael Flynn, over the apparent lie or the susceptibi­lity to blackmail. Instead, Flynn remained in office for 18 more days. Only after the news of his false statements broke publicly did he lose his job on Feb. 13.

Yates’ testimony, along with a separate revelation Monday that President Barack Obama had warned Trump not to hire Flynn, offered a more complete public account of Flynn’s stunning fall from one of the nation’s most important security posts.

It also raised fresh doubts about Trump’s judgment in keeping Flynn in place despite serious Justice Department concerns. White House officials have not fully explained why they waited so long.

“I don’t have any way of knowing what, if anything, they did,” Yates said. “If nothing was done, then certainly that would be concerning.”

At the heart of Monday’s testimony were Flynn’s conversati­ons with the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey I. Kislyak. Flynn denied that they had discussed U.S. sanctions, an assertion echoed by Vice President Mike

Pence and the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer. But senior FBI and Justice Department officials knew otherwise.

Kislyak, like many foreign diplomats, was under routine surveillan­ce, and his conversati­ons with Flynn were recorded, officials have said. Investigat­ors knew that Flynn had, in fact, discussed sanctions.

Much of what Yates said was previously known, but her testimony offered a dramatic firsthand account of a quickly unfolding scandal at the highest level of government.

On Jan. 26, Yates said, she called the White House counsel, Donald McGahn, regarding “a very sensitive matter” that they could discuss only in person. Later that day, at the White House, she warned McGahn that White House officials were making statements “that we knew not to be the truth.” Yates said she explained to McGahn how she knew Flynn’s statements were untrue, though she did not go into details Monday, citing concerns about sensitive informatio­n.

“Why does it matter to DOJ if one White House official lies to another White House official?” McGahn asked at a second meeting the next day, according to Yates.

It was not just a political concern, Yates replied. Intelligen­ce services constantly look for leverage against foreign officials. If Flynn lied to his bosses, and Russian officials knew it, Moscow could use it as leverage against him. “This is a classic technique they would use going back to the Soviet era,” said James Clapper, the former director of national intelligen­ce, who testified alongside Yates.

McGahn also asked Yates for the underlying evidence, she said, and she told him how he could see it.

Nearly two weeks later, the Washington Post reported that Yates had expressed concerns to the White House about Flynn. He was fired, with the White House citing “an eroding level of trust.”

But it was clear from Yates’ testimony that the White House had known for weeks that Flynn had been untruthful. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said that if the informatio­n had never been made public, “Michael Flynn might still be sitting in the White House as national security adviser.”

Even since leaving office, Flynn has been a persistent headache for Trump. He retroactiv­ely registered as a foreign lobbyist and failed to disclose Russian contacts, resurrecti­ng questions about the administra­tion’s close ties to Russia. The FBI is investigat­ing whether members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russian operatives to influence the 2016 presidenti­al election.

Trump blamed Obama officials on Monday, noting on Twitter that it was his predecesso­r’s administra­tion that gave Flynn a security clearance.

“General Flynn was given the highest security clearance by the Obama Administra­tion — but the Fake News seldom likes talking about that,” Trump wrote.

Flynn, a former head of the Defense Intelligen­ce Agency, has long been a controvers­ial figure. He has incorrectl­y declared that Shariah, or Islamic law, is spreading in the United States and once wrote on Twitter, “Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL.” His dubious assertions were so common that subordinat­es called them “Flynn facts.”

Obama fired Flynn from his defense intelligen­ce job. And two days after the election, he warned Trump against making Flynn his national security adviser, two former Obama administra­tion officials said Monday. Obama said he had profound concerns about Flynn’s taking such a job.

Spicer sought to cast doubt on Obama’s warning, noting that the Obama administra­tion had renewed Flynn’s security clearance in April 2016, well after his departure from the DIA.

“If President Obama was truly concerned about Gen. Flynn, why didn’t they suspend his security clearance, which they approved just months earlier?” Spicer asked during his daily press briefing.

Though Yates said she had expected the White House to act on her concerns, she spared the Trump administra­tion outright criticism for not doing so.

That is because she was fired on Jan. 30 after refusing to defend the president’s executive order banning refugees and travel from several predominan­tly Muslim countries. She said she was not sure what the White House had done after she left.

Yates said she stood by the decision that got her fired. She said she could not defend the president’s executive order, largely because Trump himself had indicated that it was intended to single out Muslims.

 ?? Chip Somodevill­a / Getty Images ?? Former Director of National Intelligen­ce James Clapper and former acting-Attorney General Sally Yates testified Monday in the Senate.
Chip Somodevill­a / Getty Images Former Director of National Intelligen­ce James Clapper and former acting-Attorney General Sally Yates testified Monday in the Senate.
 ?? Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press ?? Sally Yates’ testimony made it clear that the White House had known for weeks before Michael Flynn was fired that he had been untruthful.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press Sally Yates’ testimony made it clear that the White House had known for weeks before Michael Flynn was fired that he had been untruthful.

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