Houston Chronicle

Woman worries lazy fiancé will be lazy husband.

- DearAbby.com Dear Abby P.O. Box 69440 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Universal Press Syndicate

Dear Abby:

My fiance, “David,” and I are getting married soon. We have been living together and engaged for a year, and together eight years. It takes him forever to get things done around the house or buy things we need. I have tried lists and constant reminders.

David recently lost his job and is interviewi­ng to find another one. He loves sports, so he plays softball with his friend in a league, which takes up an entire day of the weekend. When he comes home, he wants to watch sports on TV.

The house is old, and there’s always something that needs doing or fixing. When I ask him to help, he pushes it to the next day or says he’ll get to it eventually. I told him he needs to grow up and start shoulderin­g responsibi­lities. This is causing our relationsh­ip to suffer. I have been wanting to see a marriage counselor, but David refuses.

We’re about to get married, and I’m afraid I’m walking into a trap and the rest of my life will be one in which he has all the fun and I do all the housework. Help! Sees the Writing on the Wall Dear Sees:

I’ll try. Before entering into a marriage, couples should have premarital counseling. Clearly, you and David haven’t done that. Please understand that at this point in your relationsh­ip, he should still be on his best behavior. This may be the way he handles — or more accurately avoids — responsibi­lity.

I recommend you put the wedding on hold a little longer and talk with a counselor. If he’s unwilling to go, please do not let it hold you back. You will find it to be supportive, enlighteni­ng and valuable.

Dear Abby:

My husband of 11 years and I have a running argument. I say a man should walk curbside. My husband insists that in the military, the higherrank­ing officer always walks on the right. He says he “honors” me by doing so. I am grateful to have such a loving, caring spouse, but I’m not comfortabl­e with this. Your insight would be appreciate­d. California Pedestrian

Dear Pedestrian:

You were taught traditiona­l rules of good manners. One of them is that when men and women walk on the street together, the man should stay toward the curb.

Back in the day, the rule was instituted because people used to empty chamber pots from second-story windows and the refuse was less likely to hit the person closer to the house. In the horse-and-buggy days, the pedestrian closer to the street was more likely to get splashed in rainy weather. (The same can happen when cars pass through puddles today.)

Because you’re uncomforta­ble with your husband’s show of chivalry, you should explain that to him. And if he continues because it has become a reflex, all you have to do is remind him, and I’m sure he’ll accommodat­e you.

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