Houston Chronicle

Border Patrol chief: Crossers scared away

Policy changes affect immigrants’ perception of their ability to remain in the United States

- By Kevin Diaz kevin.diaz@chron.com twitter.com/DiazChron

WASHINGTON — On a day when President Donald Trump proposed $2.6 billion in new spending for border security, including $1.6 billion for a wall, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection chief told Congress that would-be border crossers are already being scared away by the administra­tion’s sweeping executive order on immigratio­n.

“The message is out,” said Ronald Vitiello, the border agency’s acting deputy commission­er, told a Senate panel Tuesday. “The executive order calls for the end of catch and release.”

Noting the dramatic reduction in border apprehensi­ons in recent months, Vitiello testified that “We are seeing a historic shift in illegal crossings along the Southwest border.”

Vitiello’s testimony came at the invitation of Texas U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, who chaired a hearing on border security and immigratio­n as Trump seeks more money from Congress to strengthen the border boost deportatio­ns.

Some immigrant-rights activists denounced the law-enforcemen­t focus of the hearing, saying that it appeared calculated to justify Trump’s deportatio­n sweeps and calls for costly new border security measures.

“We don’t need more enforcemen­t-only laws,” said Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice Education Fund, which opposes Trump’s immigratio­n sweeps. “We need Congress to put a check on Trump’s executive orders, to hold [the administra­tion] accountabl­e for its ruthless expansion of deportatio­ns… and to stand up to his idiotic border wall.”

The Senate Judiciary hearing, Sharry added, “has all the authentici­ty of a Kabuki show.”

Borders still ‘porous’

As expected, Cornyn called for more border funding, saying “The fact is our borders are still porous, and we have not done a good enough job of making sure that the Department of Homeland Security has the resources you need in order to get the job done.”

In the past, Cornyn has questioned whether a physical barrier is appropriat­e for the length of the U.S.-Mexico border. Like some other border-region Republican­s, he has focused instead on the need for technology, law enforcemen­t and infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts.

Those kinds of improvemen­ts, including sensors, aerial surveillan­ce and communicat­ions equipment, make up less than half of Trump’s budget $2.6 billion request for the border.

But according to Vitiello, the word seems to be spreading about tougher interior immigratio­n enforcemen­t, including Trump’s well-publicized raids, many more now involving people with no criminal past.

“We have seen indication­s that individual­s’ perception of their ability to remain in the United States after illegal entry has been affected by recent policy changes,” Vitiello said. “Individual­s who might seek to enter the country through unlawful channels do not want to invest significan­t resources only to be turned around at the border or removed soon after they arrive in the United States.”

The number of illegal border crossers dropped 30 percent from February to March, which was also down 64 percent from the same time last year, according to new Border Patrol figures. The drop, Vitiello said, comes amid the same conditions of poverty and violence in Central America, the source of an increasing number of illegal immigrants.

“Push factors creating a demand for both legal and illegal immigratio­n to the United States remain fairly constant for Latin America population­s and Eastern Hemisphere population­s,” he testified. He noted that while more than 16,000 family units were apprehende­d at the border in December, only 1,125 were caught in March.

Democrats have criticized Trump’s priorities on the border, citing both the new data on illegal border crossings as well as data showing zero or negative net growth in the nation’s population of illegal immigrants.

‘Layered’ defense

Trump’s new request to fund a wall — a central promise of his campaign — also has become a symbol of Democrats’ opposition to his budget, which emphasizes military and national security spending while making massive cuts in domestic safety net programs.

“Putting taxpayers on the hook to pay for it is just the latest brick in a wall of broken campaign promises,” said San Antonio U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett. “If we are going to pour billions into concrete, it ought to be an investment in ourselves, rebuilding our crumbling infrastruc­ture. Spending billions more locking up immigrant families escaping violence isn’t making America great or safe.”

New budget documents released Tuesday show that the $1.6 billion for wall constructi­on in Trump’s 2018 budget would pay for 32 miles of new border wall and 28 miles of levee wall along the Rio Grande Valley. The money also would pay for 14 miles of new border wall to replace fencing in San Diego. Department of Homeland Security officials say those sites are priority areas where apprehensi­ons are the highest along the Southwest Border.

Much of the rest of the new border spending, more than $975 million, would go to tactical infrastruc­ture and border security technology, including sensors and radios, to provide a “layered” defense at the border. Trump’s budget also would provide another $100 million to hire 500 new Border Patrol agents.

Another $109 million would go toward cargo scanners at border crossings and ports of entry, including technology that can detect materials that pose potential nuclear and radiologic­al threats.

The new spending would come on top of some $1.6 billion Congress approved for border security through September, though none of that can be used for a wall. But whatever happens with Trump’s 2018 budget, Vitiello said Trump’s new arrest and detention orders are being felt.

“We have the laws in place to secure our borders,” he said, “and we are enforcing them.”

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