Houston Chronicle


- By Bobby Wolff

In today’s deal from the Dyspeptics Club, when South jumped to three spades, North’s thoughts turned to reaching a grand slam. Eventually, the potential shortage of entries to dummy to bring in the diamonds persuaded North to settle for what he thought ought to be a safe enough small slam. The bidding had brought South to a sensible spot, but alas, declarer’s play let him down. When West led the heart seven against the small slam, declarer allowed East’s queen to win. With a likely 11 top tricks, it seemed that the best chance of a 12th was a third-round heart ruff in dummy. So he won the heart return, then cashed the spade ace — just in case — and continued with his last heart, ruffed with the nine. East overruffed, and down went the slam. Atypically, North refrained from comment about the line chosen by his partner. Eventually, though, the light dawned on declarer. Can you see what he missed? All South had to do was win the first heart, then draw trumps. Next, he can play the diamond jack and overtake in dummy. He can cash

LEAD WITH THE ACES the second top diamond, discarding a heart from hand, then continue with the diamond 10. If East covers, South ruffs, re-enters dummy with the club ace, then discards all the heart and club losers on the establishe­d diamonds to make 13 tricks. And if East doesn’t cover, South pitches his last heart. The club ace is an entry to the diamonds for a club discard.

ANSWER: Continuati­ons after a reverse are a matter for partnershi­p agreement, not of right or wrong. Some play two no-trump by responder as the weakest action; some play the cheaper of fourth suit or two notrump as showing weakness. In either case, you would bid two no-trump now, planning to give preference to three diamonds. If you play a direct three-diamond call as nonforcing, then bid it now.

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