Houston Chronicle

North Korea fires missile over Japan

Latest test defies U.N. Security Council, repeated warnings

- By Russell Goldman

North Korea fires a ballistic missile over Japan, a bold test that defied the new sanctions resolution adopted by the U.N. Security Council this week as well as warnings from the U.S.

HONG KONG — North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan on Friday, a bold test that defied the new sanctions resolution adopted by the U.N. Security Council earlier this week, as well as repeated warnings from around the world that the country should stop raising tensions.

The missile blasted off from near the Sunan Internatio­nal Airport north of Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, and flew about 2,300 miles, flying over northern Japan, the South Korean military said in a statement. The missile reached a maximum altitude of 478 miles.

The Japanese government said the missile landed in waters about 1,240 miles east of the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido.

It was the 15th missile test by North Korea this year and the first since North Korea detonated its most powerful nuclear bomb to date on Sept. 3.

‘Strong fury’ conveyed

The U.S. Pacific Command says the North Korean missile fired over Japan was an intermedia­te range missile.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command determined the missile did not pose a threat to North America. In any case, it flew longer than any other missile North Korea has fired.

In its last missile test, conducted on Aug. 29, North Korea fired its intermedia­te-range ballistic missile Hwasong-12 from the Sunan Internatio­nal Airport. The missile arced over Hokkaido island and splashed into the northern Pacific, after a flight of nearly 1,700 miles.

In Japan early Friday, an alert was issued on television and via cellphones, warning people to take shelter inside a building or undergroun­d.

Yoshihide Suga, chief Cabinet secretary to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, said that Japan “absolutely cannot accept the repeated outrageous provocativ­e actions by North Korea” and lodged an official protest with Pyongyang, “conveying the strong fury of the Japanese people as well as condemning the action with the strongest words.”

The North’s missile program had been known more for failures than successes until it made a rush of advances this year. Analysts say a powerful new engine lies behind a string of successful tests, and as a result, the North has increased the frequency and potency of its experiment­s.

Straining nerves

North Korea has launched more than 80 missiles since Kim came to power in 2011. It last tested a missile on Aug. 28, when it fired an intermedia­te-range missile over Japan. That missile, which flew 1,700 miles before crashing into the sea, led the Japanese government to issue emergency warnings to the public.

A month earlier, on July 28, the North tested an interconti­nental ballistic missile that reached an altitude of 2,300 miles and that experts said had the potential to hit the West Coast of the U.S.

The recent missile tests have been made more troubling — and provocativ­e — by the North’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. This month, the country detonated its largest nuclear bomb to date, a device four to 16 times larger than anything it had previously tested, according to experts.

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has called the latest missile launch a reckless act by the North Koreans.

Mattis was at the U.S. Strategic Command headquarte­rs in Nebraska at the time of the launch and said afterward the missile “was fired over Japan and put millions of Japanese in duck and cover.”

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