Houston Chronicle

Guaranteed veto


Regarding “Gun control now!” (Page A20, Friday), so prostituti­on is illegal in 49 states: Does that mean there are no hookers in those 49 states? And cocaine and heroin are illegal in 50 states: Does that mean there are no such drugs in the U.S.? We learned nothing from the Prohibitio­n era.

The lesson is that just because something is thought to be bad, you don’t make it go away by making it illegal. If there is sufficient demand, the suppliers become rich and powerful and the police frustrated, vicious and corrupt.

Statesman Edmund Burke once said “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” How true. But the gun control zealots may have a more sinister motive: an unarmed populace is much easier for the almighty government to control.

If Congress passes some idiot gun control measure, I thank God that we have a president who will have the courage to veto it.

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