Houston Chronicle

From quilt patches to politics, women are having their say


Sometimes, it’s worth listening to what women have to say.

I’ve believed that for a long time. If you’re reading this column, to your credit, you probably do, too. You may even be hoping that I’ll weigh in on whether Tuesday’s election results contain any clues about what we should expect next year in Texas. And, I will. But first I’d like to say a few words about Houston’s Internatio­nal Quilt Festival, which I visited this weekend. Technicall­y speaking, it’s a co-ed event. Some of the vendors were male, as were some of the textile artists whose work was exhibited. The man who accompanie­d me enjoyed the experience, as I think many men would, although on Sunday afternoon a few had sequestere­d themselves in a corner of the George R. Brown Convention Center marked off as the “Husband’s Lounge,” to read the paper or watch the Texans.

Still, being a quilting festival, the event was dominated by women. To be more specific, the event was dominated by women with the time, skill, and inclinatio­n to turn scraps of fabric into something useful, and often necessary, while simultaneo­usly telling a story, making a statement, or creating art. That’s long been the case with quilting, which has a long tradition in the United States in part because the craft is well aligned with the context: the immigrants who came to this country, and the pioneers who settled its frontiers, needed blankets and reminders of home.

The end results can be stunning, and especially impressive in a world full of mass production and fast fashion, where those of us who know how to sew a button onto a shirt that has lost one may proudly list that among our specialize­d skills.

But when it comes to textiles, the artists themselves are always part of the draw. Quilts can be a bridge to communitie­s that are

otherwise isolated or cut off. In some cases, that’s by choice — the Amish — but for others it’s the result of factors that left people ignored, if not marginaliz­ed, such as poverty, illiteracy, gender or race.

That aspect of things was impossible to overlook this year, thanks to the inclusion of HERStory: A Celebratio­n of Strong Women, a collection of quilts curated by Susanne M. Jones, which included tributes to leaders like Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Angela Merkel, in addition to advocates and athletes, and singers and suffragett­es.

But many of the quilts on display throughout the exhibition hall were similarly explicit about their politics.

“I fear parts of my country are sinking underwater, both environmen­tally and politicall­y,” wrote Regina Benson of Golden, Colo., whose textile poster depicted the Statue of Liberty, nearly submerged.

“No matter what color, creed, gender, or sexual identity, we are all interconne­cted in this ocean of life,” wrote Susanna Hotchkiss of Lake Helen, Fla., explaining why she had decided to make a quilt calling for hope and healing after the 2016 mass shooting at Pulse, a nightclub in Orlando.

Not all of the artists included in the exhibition were such radical leftists, I should note. One of the quilts on display by Karlyn Bue Lohrenz of Billings, Mont., depicted her husband Harold’s track loader, as a tribute to both: “They have seasoned well as they represent some of the backbone of our country in their projects.” And on the other side of the convention center, among the vendors, there were no overt references to politics at all. Patchwork collection

Still, to engage in commerce can be a kind of quiet protest, against those who would say, even still, that woman’s work has no value. And as my friend observed, toward the end of our visit: “There aren’t any Trump posters here.” He then corrected himself: no pro-Trump posters, at least.

The over-arching theme that emerged was aptly summarized, I thought, by Kathleen Loomis of Louisville, Ky., whose quilt “Crazed 16: Suburban Dream” was featured in the Masterwork­s — Abstract and Geometric category.

“We like to think we’re masters of the universe, but really our civilizati­on is a collection of 6 billion people held together by an increasing­ly fragile set of connection­s,” Loomis wrote. “We neglect our children, our poor, and our homeless; we disrespect our government; we overstress the social bonds that should unite us.”

It’s hard to argue with any of that, although if anyone from our government is reading this, I would like to remind them that this is America, and respect is something you earn.

That is, in a sense, what many voters were trying to say on Tuesday. The election results in Virginia, in particular, have been widely interprete­d as a rebuke of the president, Donald Trump, and the ill-tempered identity politics he represents.

After a heated campaign, Ralph Northam, the Democratic lieutenant governor, defeated Republican Ed Gillespie by roughly nine points. Northam’s successor as lieutenant governor, Justin Fairfax, will be the second African-American to hold statewide office in Virginia history. Democrats also won more than a dozen seats in the state’s House of Delegates, and may control the chamber, pending the results of a few recounts.

I’m reluctant, in general, to extrapolat­e too much from such results; it’s worth rememberin­g that, in this case, they reflect the will of voters in Virginia. We should therefore be careful when interpreti­ng them through a national lens.

Many of the Democrats who won seats in the Virginia legislatur­e, for example, campaigned on a promise to tackle the state’s transporta­tion problems. Texas Democrats might give that a try, I suppose, while campaignin­g in 2018, but it’s debatable if the message would resonate in a state like ours, which does have transporta­tion problems but does not seem to have an electorate that subscribes to the belief that the government may play a role in fixing them.

With that said, the Virginia results were part of a nationwide pattern. Voters in New Jersey, similarly, elected a Democrat, Phil Murphy, to replace the outgoing incumbent, Chris Christie; in St. Petersburg, Fla., they opted to return the incumbent Democrat, Rick Kriseman, for a second term as mayor. Elections inspiratio­n

And all of these races were shaped by the figure who has glowered over us all since winning the presidency last year. A year after Trump’s election, Republican­s are aware that his approval ratings are not as high as they might hope. But until Tuesday, they may not have appreciate­d the intensity with which many Americans disapprove of his performanc­e thus far, or the fact that he is president at all.

They would have, though, if they had been listening to women all along. The day after Trump’s inaugurati­on, some 4 million women, and men, turned out to protest his election. The Women’s March was, according to political scientists, the largest singleday protest in American history. It also inspired Trish Hodge of Osprey, Fla., to make a textile poster commemorat­ing the event, dedicated to her 15-year old granddaugh­ter, Adessa, who attended the march in Washington.

“It gives me great joy to see the next generation of young women moving forward with strength and pride,” explained Osprey, in the placard next to her quilt at this year’s festival.

Many Republican­s were, at the time, dismissive — and, in some cases, derisive — of such sentiments.

Those who still are should remember that John Carman, who serves on his New Jersey county’s board of freeholder­s, was once among them. “Would participan­ts be home in time to cook dinner?” wondered the Facebook meme he shared with his constituen­ts 10 months ago. On Tuesday, he lost his seat to Ashley Bennett, the 32-year-old woman he inspired to run.

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