Houston Chronicle

Zimbabwe’s Mugabe says deputy’s takeover plot included witchcraft


HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwe’s president said Wednesday he fired his deputy and longtime ally for scheming to take power, including by consulting witch doctors, while Emmerson Mnangagwa said he has left the country after “incessant threats” to him and his family.

The demonizati­on of the deposed vice president is the clearest sign yet that President Robert Mugabe, who at 93 is the world’s oldest head of state, is preparing his wife, Grace, to succeed him.

In a statement obtained by The Associated Press, Mnangagwa said he was safe but did not mention his location. “I will be communicat­ing with you soon and shall return to Zimbabwe to lead you,” the statement said.

Mugabe spoke publicly for the first time since dismissing Mnangagwa, who had been seen as Mugabe’s potential successor.

Mugabe told thousands of cheering supporters that Mnangagwa had plotted to take over since becoming a vice president in 2014.

Mnangagwa replaced Joice Mujuru, who had been ousted and accused by Mugabe of using witchcraft to take power.

“We have kicked him out for the same reasons that saw us chasing away Mujuru,” Mugabe said of Mnangagwa. The president, who has proved to be one of Africa’s most wily politician­s, added: “People were told that I will retire in March but I did not. Upon realizing that I wasn’t, he started consulting traditiona­l healers on when I was going to die.”

In the statement, Mnangagwa said that “my mouth has never uttered a single foul word against the president nor have I ever contemplat­ed bringing him harm in any way.” He adds: “This party is not personal property for you and your wife to do as you please” and calls Mugabe “one stubborn individual who believes he is entitled to rule this country until death.”

First lady Grace Mugabe, 52, has been endorsed by ruling party groups to take over from Mnangagwa as vice president at a party congress next month, placing her in prime position to succeed her husband.

“No one will remove the president except God,” the first lady told the crowd, without directly addressing her ambitions. “God grant me the serenity to accept things I can’t change. I love my president. I will help him to make the country prosper.” On Sunday, she told a rally that she was ready to take over from her husband.

 ?? Associated Press ?? Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe, left, and his wife, Grace, chant the party’s slogan during a solidarity rally in Harare on Wednesday.
Associated Press Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe, left, and his wife, Grace, chant the party’s slogan during a solidarity rally in Harare on Wednesday.

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