Houston Chronicle


- Heloise@heloise.com HELOISE

Dear Heloise:

Our family received a lot of gift cards for the holiday, but we can’t use all of them. As a family, we decided to donate them to charity and pass them on to someone in need.

Of course, they can be sold, but it’s for less than face value. However, it’s still some extra cash.

The “Smith” family, via email

Very good point indeed, “Smith” family. Hint from Heloise: Call the number on the card to be sure it’s valid, and note the expiration date.


P.S. Hope my readers will follow this family’s hint! There are millions of dollars’ worth of gift cards just sitting around in a drawer somewhere!

Dear Heloise:

The New Year’s celebratio­ns are almost here. I urge your readers to be safe if using fireworks. Make sure it’s legal to set off fireworks in your city. Don’t use fireworks close to dry grass, dead trees or anything that is a fire hazard.

Also, supervise children when using sparklers, and always have a bucket of water nearby.

Scott, via email

Please take heed, readers! I was burned by a sparkler as a very young child. Somehow it dropped down the back of my top! We children were running, and someone tripped. I was slightly burned, but I can tell you it was not fun, and I remember it to this day.


Dear Heloise:

When I reheat foods in the microwave, especially pizza and pasta, it helps to place a damp paper towel over the foods. This adds moisture and helps to not dry out the food.

Sheila R., Hot Springs, Ark.


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