Houston Chronicle

Fuel efficiency rules keep U.S. competitiv­e

Easing vehicle emission standards gives countries like China an advantage

- By Sagatom Saha Sagatom Saha is an energ y policy analyst and Fulbright researcher in Ukraine. His writing has appeared in Foreign Affairs, Defense One, Fortune, Scientific American and other publicatio­ns.

On April 2, the Environmen­tal Protection Agency moved to ease vehicle emissions standards, which would require average fleet-wide efficiency of new vehicles to be 54.5 miles per gallon (closer to 36 miles per gallon factoring in a complex credit system) by 2025. Like the Clean Power Plan, the Obama administra­tion designed these standards, known as Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement. Much attention has been directed at the Clean Power Plan’s repeal, but weakening CAFE standards would be worse not only for the environmen­t, but also for the broader U.S. economy and national security.

Environmen­tally speaking, CAFE standards are more important than the Clean Power Plan. Most states are still expected to hit their CPP targets because of increasing­ly cheaper wind, solar and natural gas. And some states such as California and New York are forging ahead with more ambitious campaigns to reduce power sector emissions. However, the transporta­tion sector has been slower to slash emissions.

But CAFE standards are not just about climate change. When they were first introduced after the 1973 oil embargo, their primary purpose was to increasing America’s energy independen­ce and reducing its exposure to foreign oil producers. America has since transforme­d itself into one of the world’s largest oil producers, but few other market dynamics have changed. As oil is traded globally, Americans are still vulnerable to the instabilit­y that occurs anywhere oil is produced.

In the near half century since the embargo, supply disruption­s seem as likely as ever, as major oil producers face persistent turmoil — civil unrest in Venezuela, civil war in Libya and the Islamic State in Iraq. Iran still regularly threatens to shut down the Straits of Hormuz, through which 20 percent of the world’s oil passes. Coming elections in Iraq and Venezuela or the reimpositi­on of sanctions on Iran could trigger price spikes.

These scenarios are not individual­ly likely but collective­ly demonstrat­e the enduring need for safeguards against global oil price volatility.

There are only two surefire ways to minimize U.S. exposure to this volatility: keeping strategic petroleum reserves to smooth over disruption­s and reducing oil consumptio­n. In the second case, global price swings matter less if the economy needs less oil to function. CAFE standards work toward this goal and are all the more necessary at a time when Congress plans to sell off a substantia­l part of America’s emergency oil reserves. Without either safeguard, the U.S. economy is more vulnerable to market fluctuatio­ns at best and its adversarie­s’ intentions at worst.

And oil prices are cyclical — right now, they are relatively low at about $63 a barrel, but they have doubled from a 12-year low of below $30 a barrel in 2016. There are myriad indicators that prices will continue to rise. Among them are not only the geopolitic­al risks that major oil producers confront, but also OPEC’s discipline and Russia’s surprising willingnes­s to cooperate in maintainin­g production quotas, which they might extend for a decade or more.

When oil prices do rise, American consumers will be on the hook for higher gasoline bills. If Americans pivot to more fuel-efficient cars in the eventual spike, they would likely send their dollars to European, Japanese and Chinese vehicle manufactur­ers, which must meet their own stringent domestic fuel economy standards.

These consumer preference­s come with national security concerns. Beijing is positionin­g itself to dominate the global vehicles market as part of its national strategy to capture strategic, advanced technology industries. Considerin­g recently enacted tariffs on solar panels are unlikely to erode China’s entrenched position in that market, the White House should not cede the vehicles sector while it still has the chance.

Softening CAFE standards also undercuts the administra­tion’s energy dominance strategy, which would see America become a net energy exporter and use its energy resources as an engine for economic growth. Even without CAFE standards, the United States is projected to become a net energy exporter by 2022, net exporting 2,500 more barrels per day. But, with CAFE standards, that same goal would be achieved a year earlier with net exports reaching 1.45 million barrels per day. That disparity is staggering in the long-run. If America keeps CAFE standards, net exports would be as much as 4.2 million barrels a day by 2030. Without them, net exports drop to 1.47 million barrels a day. This difference represents foregone jobs growth, sacrificed trade gains, and missed opportunit­ies to bolster ties with less energy-secure allies.

More so than any other EPA rule, CAFE standards align with the White House’s plan to lift the economy and usher in a new era of energy dominance. Even if the environmen­tal benefits do not appeal to Administra­tor Pruitt and the Trump administra­tion, the economic and geopolitic­al benefits should be enough to keep CAFE standards in place.

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