Houston Chronicle

5G on the horizon


AT&T has named three markets — Dallas, Waco and Atlanta — to get an early 5G network for mobile devices in 2018 and will name nine more later. AT&T has also opened a lab in Austin to test 5G strategies and hardware. AT&T is also testing what it calls Fixed5G, or 5G wireless aimed at residences and businesses, in Austin, Waco and two other cities.

Sprint has named Houston as one of nine cities that will get its version of 5G. Transmitte­rs and other infrastruc­ture are being moved into place here this year, with sales of 5G service beginning in 2019.

T-Mobile has said it plans to build out 5G networks in 30 cities this year, but it named only New York, Los Angeles, Dallas and Las Vegas. T-Mobile will focus on mobile 5G by supporting handsets that will be available in 2019. Executives have indicated more interest in offering fixed wireless services to compete with incumbent broadband providers in the wake of announced plans to merge with Sprint.

Verizon has indicated its initial focus is on fixed 5G wireless, with tests in 11 cities, including Houston. Four markets will launch this year, with Sacramento and Los Angeles as the only two named so far, executives have said. Verizon’s CEO said earlier this month the company would offer mobile 5G once mobile devices that support it are available. The Sprint/T-Mobile

merger, which must pass regulatory muster, would make the combined company a more muscular competitor to the larger AT&T and Verizon. It also would allow the two smaller telecom companies to combine resources for their 5G rollouts.

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