Houston Chronicle

Britain’s Brexit secretary resigns in shocking move


LONDON — Prime Minister Theresa May’s government was thrown into turmoil late Sunday with the surprise resignatio­n of David Davis, her “Brexit minister” in charge of negotiatin­g Britain’s exit from the European Union.

The midnight resignatio­n came as a shock to British politics, exposing May to challenge by Conservati­ve Party members outraged over what they see as her plan to secure a “soft Brexit” that keeps Britain tied to many rules and regulation­s of the European Union after it leaves the bloc next year.

Hardline Brexit backers who argue that May should have a clean, decisive break from Brussels, spent the weekend complainin­g that her recently revealed proposals were a timid capitulati­on, a “Brexit in name only,” that ignored “the will of the people” who voted 52 to 48 percent in June 2016 to leave the European bloc.

In his letter of resignatio­n, Davis told May that her tactics and proposals make it “look less and less likely” that Britain would leave Europe’s single market and customs unions — two promises May has made.

While May’s plan for exiting the EU has not been fully revealed to all members of her party — let alone to parliament, the business community or the public — the brief outline that was released shows she supports a middle way of compromise with Brussels, keeping Britain closely aligned with Europe on standards, “a common rule book for industrial goods and agricultur­al products.”

This, her critic charged, would shackle Britain and make it a rule taker versus a rule maker.

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