Houston Chronicle

Government stays hush on missing plutonium

Theft in San Antonio among instances of lost nuclear material not disclosed

- By Patrick Malone and R. Jeffrey Smith

Two security experts from the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory drove to San Antonio in March 2017 with a sensitive mission: to retrieve dangerous nuclear materials from a nonprofit research lab there.

Their task, according to documents and interviews, was to ensure that the radioactiv­e materials did not fall into the wrong hands on the way back to Idaho, where the government maintains a stockpile of nuclear explosive materials for the military and others.

To ensure they got the right items, the specialist­s from Idaho brought radiation detectors and small samples of dangerous materials to calibrate them: specifical­ly, a plastic-covered disk of plutonium, a material that can be used to fuel nuclear weapons, and another of cesium, a highly radioactiv­e isotope that could potentiall­y be used in a so-called “dirty” radioactiv­e bomb.

“Considerin­g the potential health risks ... the quantities written off were significan­t.” Energy Department inspector general report

But when they stopped at a Marriott hotel just off Loop 410, in a high-crime neighborho­od filled with temp agencies and ranch homes, they left those sensors on the back seat of their rented Ford Expedition. When they awoke the next morning, the window had been smashed and the special valises holding these sensors and nuclear materials had vanished.

More than a year later, state and federal officials don’t know where the plu-

tonium — one of the most valuable and dangerous substances on earth — is. Nor has the cesium been recovered.

No public announceme­nt of the March 21, 2017, incident has been made by either the San Antonio police or by the FBI, which the police consulted by telephone. When asked, officials at the lab and in San Antonio declined to say exactly how much plutonium and cesium were missing. But Idaho lab spokeswoma­n Sarah Neumann said the plutonium in particular wasn’t enough to be fashioned into a nuclear bomb.

It is nonetheles­s now part of a much larger amount of plutonium that over the years has gone quietly missing from stockpiles owned by the U.S. military, often without any public notice.

Unlike civilian stocks, which are closely monitored by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and openly regulated — with reports of thefts or disappeara­nces sent to an internatio­nal agency in Vienna — the handling of military stocks tended by the Department of Energy is much less transparen­t.

The Energy Department, which declined comment for this story, doesn’t talk about instances of lost and stolen nuclear material produced for the military. It also has been less willing than the commission to punish its contractor­s when they lose track of such material, several incidents suggest.

That nontranspa­rent approach doesn’t match the government’s rhetoric.

Protecting bomb-usable materials, like the plutonium that went missing in San Antonio, “is an overriding national priority,” President Barack Obama’s press office said in a fact sheet distribute­d during the fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit that he hosted in late March 2016, a Washington event attended by more than 50 heads of state.

The administra­tion also touted the strength of its tracking of such materials, which it said would “ensure timely detection and investigat­ion of anomalies, and deter insider theft/diversion.” It further boasted about its transparen­cy, explaining that it “has published studies and reviews of nuclear security incidents, including lessons learned and corrective actions taken.”

President Donald Trump, speaking to a military audience at Fort Myer in Arlington, Va., on Aug. 21, 2017, parroted the Obama administra­tion’s refrain that “we must prevent nuclear weapons and materials from coming into the hands of terrorists and being used against us or anywhere in the world, for that matter.”

The Trump administra­tion’s Nuclear Posture Review, released in February, similarly emphasized the threat posed by nuclear terrorism and asserted that “preventing the illicit acquisitio­n of a nuclear weapon, nuclear materials, or related technology and expertise by a violent extremist organizati­on is a significan­t U.S. national security priority.”

But America’s record of safeguardi­ng such materials isn’t sterling. Gaps between the amount of plutonium that nuclear weapons companies have produced and the amount that the government can actually locate occur frequently enough for officials to have created an acronym for it — MUF, meaning “material unaccounte­d for.”

‘Potential for misuse’

The gaps have shown up at multiple nodes in the production and deployment cycle for nuclear arms: at factories where plutonium and highly-enriched uranium have been made, at storage sites where the materials are held in reserve, at research centers where the materials are loaned for study, at waste sites where they are disposed and during transit between many of these facilities.

Production of the bomb materials was so frantic during the Cold War that roughly 6 tons of the material — enough to fuel hundreds of nuclear explosives — has been declared as MUF by the government, with most of it presumed to have been trapped in factory pipes, filters and machines or improperly logged in paperwork. (That figure, which dates from 2012, has not been publicly updated.)

Regarding transfers to academic researcher­s, government agencies or commercial firms within the U.S., the Energy Department’s inspector general concluded in 2009 — the most recent public accounting — that at least a pound of plutonium and 45 pounds of highly-enriched uranium loaned from military stocks had been officially listed until 2004 as securely stored, when in fact it was missing.

As little as 9 pounds of highlyenri­ched uranium (the weight of an average cat) or 7 pounds of plutonium (the weight of a brick) can produce a functionin­g nuclear warhead, according to Hans Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Informatio­n Project at the Federation of American Scientists. So the missing amount in this category alone — the MUF stemming from loans to researcher­s from military stocks — is still enough to produce at least five nuclear bombs comparable to those that obliterate­d Hiroshima and Nagasaki, experts say. Plutonium in any quantity is also highly carcinogen­ic.

“Considerin­g the potential health risks associated with these materials and the potential for misuse should they fall into the wrong hands, the quantities written off were significan­t,” the inspector general’s report stated. It also harshly criticized the Energy Department for failing to correct dozens of poor accounting and monitoring practices flagged in a probe of the problem eight years earlier.

It also said the Energy Department still “may be unable to detect lost or stolen material.”

No independen­t probe of the department’s capabiliti­es has been conducted since then. When asked repeatedly whether the inspector general’s conclusion­s were still valid, a spokesman for the department did not respond.

The details of how or why U.S. nuclear materials go missing from military stocks — or the quantity of such materials involved in individual incidents — are not disclosed by the government. But the Nuclear Regulatory Commission annually publishes a tally of lost, missing or stolen radioactiv­e material from civilian nuclear stocks (those typically used for oil and gas exploratio­n, medical purposes, academic research and nuclear power).

In a January 2018 report, for example, the NRC stated that during the previous year, eight such items had gone missing and two had not been recovered. None were of the type or quantity useable in a nuclear weapon. Whenever additional material goes missing, the NRC discloses it publicly.

‘Chasing a ghost’

Ensuring appropriat­e protection­s are in place for military-related nuclear materials has ironically proven a lot harder than implementi­ng tight security for civilian nuclear materials, said Miles Pomper, a senior research associate at the James Martin Center for Nonprolife­ration Studies in Monterey, Calif.

“Politicall­y and diplomatic­ally, it’s a lot more difficult,” Pomper said. “We’re not having significan­t conversati­ons on this issue.”

In the San Antonio incident, the police were dumbfounde­d that the experts from Idaho did not take more precaution­s. They “should have never left a sensitive instrument like this unattended in a vehicle,” said Carlos Ortiz, a spokesman for the San Antonio Police Department.

The personnel from Idaho National Laboratory whose gear was stolen were part of the OffSite Radioactiv­e Source Recovery Program based at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, with an annual budget of about $17 million.

Overseen by the National Nuclear Security Administra­tion, the program has scooped up more than 38,000 bits of radioactiv­e material loaned to research centers, hospitals and academic institutio­ns since 1999 — averaging 70 such missions a year. No state has returned more borrowed nuclear materials than Texas, where the recovery program has collected 8,566 items.

Details of the incident were pieced together by the Center for Public Integrity from a police report obtained under a Freedom of Informatio­n Act request after a brief descriptio­n of the incident appeared in an internal Energy Department report.

While the Idaho National Laboratory depicted the site of the theft — a Marriott hotel parking lot — in a report to the Energy Department as a secure spot with high walls on two sides, a clear line of sight to the hotel’s front door and patrolling guards, San Antonio police statistics show that theft was just one of 87 at the Marriott hotel or its parking lot in 2016 and 2017.

Ortiz said the department called an FBI liaison to a joint terrorism task force, who advised them to take as many fingerprin­ts in the car as possible. But detectives found no usable prints, no worthwhile surveillan­ce

video of the crime and no witnesses. A check of local pawn shops — to see if someone had tried to sell the sensors — turned up nothing.

One of the Idaho National Laboratory specialist­s told them, Ortiz said, “that it wasn’t an important or dangerous amount” of plutonium. So they closed the investigat­ion to avoid “chasing a ghost,” Ortiz said.

Idaho National Laboratory spokeswoma­n Sarah Neumann responded that “from INL’s perspectiv­e, the theft was taken seriously” and properly reported to the police and the Energy Department. But she declined to say if those involved faced any internal consequenc­es. “There is little or no danger from these sources being in the public domain,” she said.

At the end of the fiscal year 2017, the Energy Department awarded the lab contractor that employed the guards assigned to pick up the nuclear material, Battelle Energy Alliance LLC, an “A” grade and described their overall performanc­e as “excellent.” It further awarded them 97 percent of their available bonuses, providing $15.5 million in profit, and in December 2017 the Department of Energy announced a five-year extension of Battelle’s contract to operate Idaho National Laboratory, giving the contractor the job until at least 2024.

The NRC, in contrast, has imposed six financial penalties on civilian institutio­ns that lost or mishandled nuclear materials in the past year and a half alone (it has imposed and then waived penalties on another 20 institutio­ns during this period). The largest penalty imposed was $22,500 against Qal-Tek Associates, a radiation detector manufactur­er in Idaho Falls, Idaho, for failing to “contain” radioactiv­e materials during their transport, according to a published notice of the fine.

The most recent NRC fine was imposed this May against Idaho State University for its inability to find a quarter-sized piece of plutonium in a radiation meter that it had borrowed from Idaho National Laboratory in 1991. An Idaho State University employee conducting an inventory of such materials last October expected to find 14 of the Plutonium-239 pieces, each weighing less than four-hundredths of an ounce, but found just 13. The inspector reported this discrepanc­y to the university’s radiation safety officer, who in turn reported it to the NRC.

The NRC imposed fines totaling $8,500 for the college’s mishandlin­g of the plutonium, and the yearslong delay in reporting it missing. Idaho State University paid the fines June 6, according to Cornelis Van der Schyf, the university’s vice president for research and dean of the graduate school. The missing plutonium’s whereabout­s remain unknown.

The Center for Public Integrity is a nonprofit, nonpartisa­n, investigat­ive newsroom based in Washington, D.C.

 ?? Associated Press ?? An independen­t panel that monitors federal nuclear installati­ons around the U.S. has documented more safety issues at the Los Alamos National Laboratory plutonium facility. The personnel from Idaho National Laboratory whose gear was stolen were part of a program based at the laboratory.
Associated Press An independen­t panel that monitors federal nuclear installati­ons around the U.S. has documented more safety issues at the Los Alamos National Laboratory plutonium facility. The personnel from Idaho National Laboratory whose gear was stolen were part of a program based at the laboratory.

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