Houston Chronicle


Dealing with spam text messages on cellphone.


Dear Readers:

Today is Sept. 11, Patriot Day. Take a moment to remember why we honor this day, and why we are so privileged to live in a country where we are free because of the brave. Heloise

Dear Readers:

Have you gotten spam text messages? Companies use computer software to put together random phone numbers that then shoot out text messages to these numbers, in the hopes of getting a nibble.

Annoying, yes. To put a halt to this, report the spam to your cell provider. To stop legit text messages from companies you’ve done business with, replying “STOP” usually does the trick. Heloise

Dear Heloise:

Here’s my hint for getting ahead in school:

I always sit in the front row of the classroom, for the following reasons:

• It’s easier to see the blackboard.

• I won’t be distracted by other students.

• I won’t be afraid to ask questions. Gina T., Lubbock

This works for college, and for grade and high school, too. Never feel intimidate­d to ask questions. The question you ask is what everyone else is wondering, too! Heloise Heloise@heloise.com Heloise

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