Houston Chronicle

Anti-Semitism shockingly back with a vengeance

- By Noah Horwitz Horwitz is a student at the University of Texas School of Law.

On July 2, 2016, Donald Trump, then the presumptiv­e Republican nominee for president, tweeted a picture of Hillary Clinton next to a Star of David. Hundred dollar bills littered the background. “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever” was printed inside the star.

At the time, I was somewhere along Interstate 40 with my two best friends from high school. We had recently graduated college and were undertakin­g a road trip through the Deep South. Immediatel­y and without hesitation, we knew the context of the message. The Jewish cabal, with its shadily nefarious funding, had Clinton in their pocket. At the time, we chalked up this message to Trump’s ineptitude and were almost giddy at the prospect of how it would decimate his already-remote chances of becoming president.

What happened subsequent­ly was what began to scare us. Despite deleting and replacing the tweet, Trump then doubled down, stating that it was merely a “sheriff ’s star.” (A ridiculous explanatio­n.) The star on the Israeli flag, the one I wear around my neck, Trump said it was not what I knew with my own eyes. And the American people ate it up. Friends, colleagues, co-workers, family — people who absolutely knew better got sucked up into the hate, or perhaps that is how they had always been.

When Steve Bannon took over the campaign in August, things went into overdrive. Slurs against Jews became commonplac­e at rallies. Eerie threats to “globalists,” a dog whistle to anti-Semites, were ratcheted up by the candidate himself. My own email and Twitter direct messages started filling with death threats and other assorted Neo-Nazi apologia.

Someone threatenin­g to kill me because of my religion was nothing new, of course. It started as a teenager, when I campaigned to rename Houston Independen­t School District campuses named for Confederat­e figures. A Jewish kid seeking to limit the influence of white supremacy in town was a little on-the-nose for some folks. But those individual­s always felt like a fringe, outside the mainstream of society and politics. No longer.

Anti-Semitism felt obsolete in my childhood. There were the little things, of course. I took off my Star of David necklace before swimming in public. There are certain law firms I knew wouldn’t ever give me the time of day. Groups of people with whom I’d always lead by highlighti­ng my mother’s gentile bona fides.

But I felt pretty strongly until the summer of 2016 that anti-Semitism was a thing of the past in this country, something we vanquished because of our assimilati­on into this country, like prejudice against Italians or Irish. I got into pretty heated arguments with my parents about it. But now I know I was wrong. Throughout my life, a lot of doors opened for me, doors that in the past had been opened for few others with my type of name. I can’t escape the feeling that, post-2016, many of the doors have again slammed shut.

I do not blame Trump for a white supremacis­t shooting 11 Jews in Pittsburgh. But words have consequenc­es. And the words, just in the past week, coming from the president, words like “nationalis­t” or “globalist,” affect people.

The terrorist in Pittsburgh allegedly went on his rampage because of fear of billionair­e philanthro­pist George Soros bankrollin­g a migrant caravan from Central America, to come here and wreak some type of havoc on white people. That is an idea in the mainstream of Trumpism and the Fox News bubble. I know a lot of people who believe that type of stuff and the appurtenan­t conspiraci­es it launches.

Other religions and races face tremendous­ly more severe prejudice and animus than Jews in this country. I’ve always felt anti-Semitism occupied a unique position, because anyone who has ever taken a history class knows just how bad the consequenc­es may be when left unchecked.

I do not know how bad it will get this time around, but the difficult news is that anti-Semitism is back with a vengeance in the mainstream of our politics and our culture. Three years prior, I would have argued vociferous­ly this was a problem that had been fixed in this country. Today I’m not particular­ly optimistic.

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