Houston Chronicle

‘Anti-abortion’ isn’t the same thing as ‘pro-life’

- By Richard Cherwitz Cherwitz is the Ernest S. Sharpe centennial professor in the Moody College of Communicat­ion and founder of the Intellectu­al Entreprene­urship Consortium at the University of Texas at Austin.

Scholars of communicat­ion for decades have studied how rhetoric matters — how language choices are strategic and can substantia­lly affect the outcome of debates and policy on important public issues. Recent intense and emotionall­y charged abortion arguments in several states offer powerful illustrati­ons of the way language makes a difference.

My own research about “language-inuse” over the past 40 years demonstrat­es that audiences often internaliz­e and repeat the words initially employed by politician­s on a given issue, setting the agenda for debate. This in turn subconscio­usly shapes attitudes, rendering it difficult to alter the direction of future arguments on the topic.

From a rhetorical perspectiv­e, the recent Alabama law prohibitin­g abortion in almost all cases (including rape and incest) and severely punishing doctors who perform abortions, as well as similar draconian and extremist laws passed by Georgia, Missouri and Ohio, are not actually “pro-life” policies. More accurately, they may be “pro-birth” — perhaps even “forced-birth” and “antiwomen” laws.

If anti-abortion laws were genuine “pro-life” measures, they would include provisions guaranteei­ng food, health care and other essentials necessary to sustain life. Moreover, those supporting and voting for these laws would not simultaneo­usly cut or reduce the funding for programs such as Planned Parenthood and Medicaid,which provide health care for mothers and children.

The use of “pro-life” language is unmistakab­ly a calculated public relations decision to tap into the value system of conservati­ves and evangelica­ls who view abortion as exclusivel­y about protecting the “life” of an unborn — and not about the larger issue of the health and well being of women, and certainly not that of their children.

Why is this significan­t? Rhetorical­ly, framing the debate as “pro-life” versus “pro-abortion” empowers anti-abortion advocates to assume a higher moral ground. This erroneous framing not only distorts the argument but makes it far easier to convince state legislator­s to adopt extreme policies prohibitin­g almost all cases of abortion and harshly punishing doctors and women who violate the restrictiv­e new laws.

To discourage the further adoption of this type of legislatio­n, pro-choice defenders must do a better job of finding the precise language that more persuasive­ly conveys their position — protecting the reproducti­ve rights and health of women and girls, providing access to contracept­ion, advancing sex education, and securing the right to a safe abortion while working at the same time to reduce the need for the procedure.

Those who seek to fend off the increasing number of inflexible abortion laws might have more persuasive traction if they use words such as “forcedbirt­h” and “anti-woman” to describe those proposing the prohibitio­n of abortion. This would help the public discover how anti-abortion advocates cloak their arguments in and hide behind “pro-life” terminolog­y.

Regardless of what one believes or what policies they propose, the choice of language has enormous rhetorical sway. Words matter.

 ?? Alex Wong / Getty Images ?? Abortion arguments can get heated and the choice of language can have enormous rhetorical sway.
Alex Wong / Getty Images Abortion arguments can get heated and the choice of language can have enormous rhetorical sway.

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