Houston Chronicle

State-mandated funding boost brings season to happy close

- By Hal Lundgren

Though Saturday night’s program concludes the Sam Houston Race Park quarter horse meet, a Texas Legislatur­e funding boost will dry any end-ofseason tears.

On Sept. 1, a bill passed by legislator­s and signed by Gov. Greg Abbott will redirect the simulcast wagering fee from the state’s general fund to the Texas Racing Commission.

“This gives Texas racing much-needed relief,” said Dwight Berube, SHRP’s vice president and general manager. He referenced Texas racing’s inability to keep pace with casino-enriched horse purses offered in the four bordering states.

Berube said the existing 1 percent fee on all simulcast bets will be redirected from the general fund to the TRC. The fee covers all simulcast bets, whether on a Texas race or elsewhere. He said a “cross species” bet, such as a simulcast wager from a dog track on a horse race, carries a 1.25 percent fee.

Berube declined to speculate on how much revenue the change will bring to Texas racing in 2019.

In 2018, the simulcast fees produced about $2.8 million in state revenue.

A second bill important to racing — HB2463— could be in limbo until June 17. On or before that date, the bill could pass with or without the governor’s signature, or Abbott could veto it.

Berube indicated that when completed, the bill will move some sales tax dollars paid on horse feed, horse nutrition supplement­s and horse tack to Texas racing. The bill does not now specify percentage­s to be diverted. A TRC official declined to speculate on dollars going to Texas racing because the bill is not yet law.

Saturday’s closing program, which starts at 7:15 p.m., includes the $80,000 Space City and the $50,000 Sam Houston Classic. The latter race won’t start until about 11 p.m., an accommodat­ion to the large simulcast audience at California’s Los Alamitos Race Course.

SHRP officials anticipate no major schedule changes to the January-to-May live racing season in 2020. It again will include 32 thoroughbr­ed and 20 quarter horse dates.

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