Houston Chronicle

State GOP reinforces ‘women matter’

- By Andrea Zelinski

AUSTIN — Texas could have tried to beat Alabama to become the first state in the nation to ban all abortions this year, taking a shot at overturnin­g the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. But the Republican leadership in Austin hit the brakes.

It was staunch pro-life Rep. Jeff Leach, RPlano, who put a stop to the Texas version of the bill, which would have authorized criminal charges against any woman who has an abortion.

“I think it’s the exact wrong policy to be criminaliz­ing women who are in that extremely difficult, almost impossible situation,” said Leach, a chairman who refused to let the bill out of his committee. “We don’t need to be going after these women.”

That sentiment voiced in April was just one example of a new message that Texas Republican­s tried to send in the 2019 legislativ­e session after a wake-up call in the November midterm elections. Hundreds of thousands of educated, suburban Republican women had

crossed party lines to vote for Democrats, who picked up 12 seats in the Texas House and came within three percentage points of winning their first statewide election since 1994.

House Speaker Dennis Bonnen explained the Texas GOP’s predicamen­t in a speech to young Republican­s in February, just as the legislativ­e session got underway.

“The clearest indication of the November election — and this is horrifying — is intelligen­t women said we’re not interested in voting for Republican­s,” Bonnen said. “We have to remember that women matter in this state. … The reality is that if we are not making women feel comfortabl­e and welcome to telling their friend or neighbor that they voted for Republican candidate X, Y or Z, we will lose. And we should lose, truthfully.”

‘Not draconian’

That push fueled bipartisan legislatio­n to strengthen legal protection­s against sexual assault. The Legislatur­e rallied around a bill to eliminate a backlog of untested rape kits. Republican­s and Democrats teamed up to strengthen laws against “revenge porn.” Lawmakers made groping a person for sexual gratificat­ion an arrestable offense, a proposal that they rejected in 2017. Under current law, the maximum penalty is a $500 fine.

All of those bills are on their way to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott for his approval.

Aside from the abortion ban legislatio­n that Leach quelled, three other controvers­ial anti-abortion laws were spiked in the Texas House, bringing a harsh rebuke from advocacy groups to Republican­s who have been reliable allies in the past.

“Women, especially in the suburbs, we want to show them in a very pragmatic way that we’re not draconian in focusing on issues that punish women,” said Nancy Bocskor, director of the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy at Texas Woman’s University and a former Republican fundraiser.

Educated suburban women tend not to be single-issue voters, she said — the issues that matter to Republican women most are those that protect people and families.

Returns from the last three statewide general elections show the need for urgency from Republican­s.

About 57 percent of Texas women voted Republican in 2014. But that began to change in 2016 with a near split in the presidenti­al race, according to CNN exit polling. Women split again in the 2018 governor’s race, and 54 percent of Texas women voted for Democrat Beto O’Rourke over U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, who ultimately won the election.

“Republican­s may have taken women voters for granted to the point where when they need them to hold the line politicall­y, they may not be there if they don’t make appealing to women voters an emphasis,” said Brandon Rottinghau­s, a political professor and analyst from the University of Houston.

But the women-friendly legislatio­n this year won’t stop the Democrats from shaming the Texas GOP for failing to pass anti-workplace harassment legislatio­n, which was the crux of the #MeToo movement. Legislatio­n that would have given employees of small businesses an avenue to file harassment complaints with the state never made it to a floor vote, nor did bills on civil damages for sexual assault or harassment.

“The main driver of the #MeToo movement was workplace harassment. Unfortunat­ely, we didn’t take any meaningful action to address it,” said Rep. Erin Zwiener, DDriftwood . “Everyone should be able to live a life free from feeling they are someone else’s prey.”

Other issues dog the state. Texas has the worst uninsured rate in the nation for women of childbeari­ng age and a high maternal mortality rate of 14.6 deaths per 100,000 live births — which is even worse for black women at 27.8 per 100,000 live births. Republican­s in the Senate stopped short of expanding Medicaid for low-income mothers to a year after giving birth, up from two months. Data shows about half of women who die within a year of pregnancy do so after two months.

Republican members in each chamber also voted to ban government contracts to affiliates of abortion clinics, cutting off health care services to centers that provide STD testing and cancer screening.

Dems target suburbs

Republican­s with the biggest vulnerabil­ities are in the Dallas and Houston suburbs. Eight Republican­s there scraped by in their reelection­s , winning with margins of less than 5 percent — including one Houston incumbent who won by just 47 votes — making them prime targets for Democrats in the 2020 election.

Leach is one of them. He won his election in the suburbs of Dallas by 2.3 percent against a stay-athome mother who has worked with foster children. In this legislativ­e session, he has spoken often about issues directly affecting women, convincing the House to move funding that used to support the movie industry to women’s health programs.

Leach was also a key backer of lengthenin­g the statute of limitation­s for child sexual assault victims to sue their abusers. That bill, which was sent to the governor last week, was spurred when Leach’s wife came to terms at the age of 35 with her own sexual abuse by a family member that began when she was 12 years old.

She gave a rare and moving speech to a legislativ­e committee supporting the bill. Although she had no intention of suing, the statute of limitation­s to file a civil case against her abuser expired when she turned 33. Leach asked a fellow Dallas area Republican, Rep. Craig Goldman, R-Fort Worth, to extend the statute of limitation­s until victims are 48 years old .

However, Goldman amended the bill to exempt any organizati­ons involved from that extended statute of limitation­s, a change made at the behest of special interest groups. That drew opposition by advocates for sexual assault victims and gymnasts who were sexually abused by former sports doctor Larry Nassar, who was convicted after sexually abusing hundreds of young athletes under the guise of medical treatment.

Ultimately, with the help of Austin Democrat Sen. Kirk Watson, who sponsored the bill in the Senate, Goldman agreed to extend the longer statute of limitation­s to both abusers and their organizati­ons for a total of 30 years.

Another of Leach’s main efforts this year was an anti-abortion bill to force civil penalties on physicians who perform abortions and fail to care for a baby born alive after a botched procedure, which is already illegal. Although state health officials have no evidence of such situations happening here since the state began keeping records in 2013, he argued the bill would ensure Texas protects the defenseles­s.

Other Republican­s have also championed bills affecting women, including Rep. Morgan Meyer, R-Dallas, who passed a bill that creates criminal penalties for those who send a person unwanted nude or sexual photos. That legislatio­n passed with the help of Houston Republican Joan Huffman. Republican­s supported Democrat-sponsored legislatio­n such as a bill that would require college administra­tors to flag the transcript­s of students disenrolle­d for disciplina­ry reasons including sexual assault.

Too early to tell

Other bills fell short, though, including expanding postpartum coverage under Medicaid, giving small business employees a state agency to file sexual harassment complaints and eliminatin­g the sales tax on women’s menstrual products.

It’s too soon to accurately interpret what voters tried to communicat­e in the 2018 election, said James Henson, director of the Texas Politics Project and co-director of the University of Texas-Texas Tribune poll. Until then, he said it makes sense that Republican leadership would react by paying more attention to material issues rather than ideologica­l ones.

“That’s a big question mark about whether Republican voters are going to feel like the majority party delivered enough for them,” he said.

Leach said he’s confident in Republican’s chances to win women voters back after a disappoint­ing 2018.

“We did lose women in this election, but I refuse to believe we can’t get them back. If we do a good job of messaging what we accomplish­ed this session, we can and will win them back,” he said.

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