Houston Chronicle



- BY CARY DARLING | STAFF WRITER cary.darling@chron.com twitter.com/carydar

The bond between human and canine has been celebrated in such recent Hollywood films as “A Dog’s Journey” and a “A Dog’s Way Home.” But rarely has it been brought to the screen with as much warmth, intelligen­ce and lack of mawkishnes­s as in the Dutch documentar­y “Buddy,” a toast to guide and support dogs that will even move those who have no fourlegged friends.

Directed by Heddy Honigmann, “Buddy” explores the unique relationsh­ip between six people and their dogs. Without them, the humans in the equation could not live anything close to a full life.

Kay guides paraplegic heavymetal fan Annabel through doctor’s appointmen­ts and crowds at a rock festival. Mister watches over Trevor, a veteran with PTSD and increasing­ly debilitati­ng physical issues, the way a Secret Service agent protects a president. Kaiko helps paralyzed Erna dress, feed and medicate herself. Makker and Missy allow their blind owners, Edith and Hans respective­ly, to enjoy the outdoors. Utah helps young Zeb, a boy on the autism spectrum, stay connected.

Honigmann has no interest in delving into the process of how these animals were trained to be so attentive and dutiful. Their skills are a given. There’s no narration and we only occasional­ly hear Honigmann pose a question. Instead, she’s interested in the give and take between dogs and humans, letting the latter speak about their lives and how they have been enriched by the former.

But it’s often the wordless moments that are the most effective. Watching the dogs go about their jobs — night-vision cameras show viewers how alert they are, even while the humans are sleeping — say more than any verbal tribute.

After seeing “Buddy,” viewers who have dogs at home probably will want to hug them a little tighter, while those who don’t might wish they had.

 ?? Rob Zwartser ??
Rob Zwartser

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