Houston Chronicle

Management built on personalit­y archetype can help ensure workers are good fits


Personaliz­ation and customizat­ion are the bywords of any modern product or service; more than ever, consumers expect to have things their way.

No one should be surprised, then, that workers want their managers to provide customized supervisio­n. They want training, discipline, tasking, encouragem­ent and recognitio­n to fit their preference­s.

I know what you’re thinking, and no, it’s not just millennial­s.

One of the South by Southwest Conference panels that has stuck with me most since March focused on helping supervisor­s identify personalit­y archetypes and learn how to deploy those personalit­ies in different combinatio­ns to maximize results. The consulting firm Deloitte calls their deep-dive research and theories Business Chemistry.

“We were trying to think of a way to get a sense of who somebody was through observatio­ns and a few, key data points,” said Kim Christfort, managing director of the Deloitte Greenhouse, which teaches Business Chemistry to executives. “Instead of starting with a theory about the types and then developing questions to validate that, we said, ‘What are the things we care about in a work environmen­t that we can see?”

Deloitte’s conclusion­s come from surveying 16,000 profession­als in 4,000 organizati­ons around the world across all career stages. Unlike the Myers-Briggs personalit­y test, which was designed for psychologi­cal insight, Business Chemistry helps supervisor­s quickly understand worker strengths and weaknesses.

Researcher­s fit workers into four broad categories. The pioneer is outgoing, imaginativ­e, risk-seeking and detail-averse. The driver is quantitati­ve, logical, focused and competitiv­e. The integrator is diplomatic, empathetic, traditiona­l and non-confrontat­ional, while the guardian is methodical, reserved, detailorie­nted and practical.

Each personalit­y requires a different management style. Each type also works differentl­y with other personalit­ies, with potentiall­y synergisti­c or explosive results. Pioneers and guardians, for example, could temper each other’s more extreme tendencies or fight like cats and dogs.

Guardians crave stability and procedure, while integrator­s see shades of gray and seek compromise. A pioneer will come up with the next big idea, but the driver will figure out how to make money from it.

Christfort acknowledg­ed that everyone is a blend of all four personalit­y types, but said recognizin­g tendencies can help supervisor­s understand group dynamics.

“I’m taking a person who is very unique in many ways, and

I’m saying, which patterns do they have and look the most like?” Christfort said. “This is much more about, ‘how do I understand these other people?’ And then the step beyond that is ‘how do I orchestrat­e and combine people?’”

Different personalit­y types also want different types of recognitio­n, according to research Deloitte released last month. The most important lesson is the power of a simple thank you.

More than half of workers would like to hear their boss say thank you for their day-to-day accomplish­ments, according to the survey. About 31 percent would like their routine kudos in writing.

Surprising­ly, 47 percent of workers would prefer a new growth opportunit­y over cash for accomplish­ing something significan­t. They want to move up the ladder. Guardians and integrator­s, though, are more interested in a raise or a bonus.

Drivers and pioneers are more interested in having their big successes widely recognized, while guardians and integrator­s want bosses to appreciate their effort and expertise.

“For those profession­als whose contributi­ons to their teams and organizati­ons are less obviously tied to the successes, validation may be just what they’re craving,” the researcher­s wrote. “Look out for those colleagues who may be making a quieter impact, and then find ways to validate the value they add to your workplace.”

Only 18 percent of workers want their work recognized far and wide, the survey found. Half prefer recognitio­n limited to a narrow audience of coworkers, and 34 percent prefer private recognitio­n, though again, different personalit­y types value these things differentl­y.

Once I learned to see the different personalit­y types, I began observing them not only in the office but everywhere. Each type represents about a quarter of the population, and the patterns persist outside the office and into politics and culture.

A quarter of all people are guardians, interested in preserving traditions and institutio­ns, no matter their other demographi­c details. A quarter are pioneers, ready to blow up bridges and experiment. We all know integrator­s, who encourage us to compromise and see things from the others’ point of view. We also get annoyed with drivers who see everything as a problem to solve.

Smart managers know that every personalit­y type has a vital role to play at work and in society. If all of us can appreciate that everyone has something to contribute, we’d likely find each other a lot less vexatious.

 ?? Jaymast / Fotolia ?? TOP: The cubicles may all look the same, but not the workers who occupy them.
Jaymast / Fotolia TOP: The cubicles may all look the same, but not the workers who occupy them.
 ??  ??
 ?? Jose Jordan / AFP/Getty Images ?? Are you a pioneer, driver, integrator or guardian? These business personalit­ies all contribute to the workplace and require different supervisio­n and reward.
Jose Jordan / AFP/Getty Images Are you a pioneer, driver, integrator or guardian? These business personalit­ies all contribute to the workplace and require different supervisio­n and reward.

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