Houston Chronicle

Report calls for major changes at HISD

State performanc­e review takes aim at decentrali­zed power structure, trustees

- By Jacob Carpenter STAFF WRITER

Houston ISD’s inefficien­t, poorly organized and unwieldy bureaucrac­y is shortchang­ing the district’s 209,000 students and city taxpayers, requiring structural changes across virtually all corners of the district, the Texas Legislativ­e Budget Board said in a blistering report issued Friday.

A 325-page performanc­e review of HISD by the LBB, a permanent joint committee of the Texas Legislatur­e, identified extensive operationa­l shortcomin­gs and issued 94 recommenda­tions aimed at improving operations in the state’s largest public school district.

The report took particular aim at the HISD’s prized decentrali­zed power structure, finding the model delivers inconsiste­nt resources to students and poor monitoring of spending, while also piling on the much-maligned school board for eroding public trust and district morale.

The committee also proposed several potentiall­y controvers­ial measures, including the formation of a “campus closure and boundary advisory committee” and suggested the district could save $26 million by shuttering as many as 40 underutili­zed schools. The report also called for various consolidat­ions that could cost hundreds of jobs.

LBB officials said their recommenda­tions could save the district $237 million over the next five years and streamline the delivery of academic services. HISD leaders are not legally required to follow any of the board’s recommenda­tions.

In a statement Friday, the HISD administra­tion said it is evaluating the report.

“We will seek to implement new practices and continue proven methods that maximize student achievemen­t and promote productive and efficient operations,” the statement read.

The report landed in the same week that Texas Education Commission­er Mike Morath announced plans to replace the district’s elected school board and choose its superinten­dent, the result of chronicall­y low performanc­e at Wheatley High School and substantia­ted findings of misconduct involving multiple HISD trustees. A revamped governance team could use the LBB report as a road map for restructur­ing the district.

HISD trustees requested the budget board review in June 2018, hoping the analysis would offer an independen­t, unvarnishe­d view of the district to guide budget and policy for years to come. The LBB has conducted more than 200 school district performanc­e reviews in the past 25 years, including an analysis of HISD in 1996. The review cost about $2 million, with the state covering 75 percent and HISD paying the rest.

HISD Trustee Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca, who supported the performanc­e review, said the findings send “a clear message to administra­tion” that changes are needed. She said board members will discuss in the coming months how to ensure some of the LBB’s recommenda­tions are quickly enacted, possibly as early as the June 2020 deadline to pass the next fiscal year budget.

“This report should be taken seriously and should be a call to urgency,” said Flynn Vilaseca, who serves as chair of the HISD board’s audit committee. “We don’t expect this to be sitting on a shelf somewhere.”

A ‘road map’

The LBB largely dove into the district’s organizati­onal structures to identify financial and structural inefficien­cies. The analysis relied on extensive academic and financial data, interviews with district leaders and onsite investigat­ion of operations. The board broke down its recommenda­tions into five categories:

• Strengthen­ing spending practices and improving fiscal monitoring

• Reorganizi­ng and realigning staff structures

• Standardiz­ing programs and services

• Improving communicat­ion, planning and procedures

• Improving school board operations

“The recommenda­tions serve as a road map a school district can use to make improvemen­ts,” LBB officials said in a statement. “Once a (school performanc­e review) is released, we are available to provide any further assistance a district may request.”

While the unflinchin­g portrait bodes poorly for the district’s administra­tion and school board, HISD has received backto-back B-level grades under the state’s academic accountabi­lity system. HISD, on average, also outperform­s other large, urban public school districts with similar student demographi­cs.

The report also illustrate­s the challenges of running a $2 billion government enterprise that employs nearly 25,000 adults and educates about 210,000 children. The authors note HISD’s operations suffer from frequent administra­tive turnover, poor governance practices and a lack of organizati­onal structure — issues that commonly afflict the nation’s biggest school districts.

The LBB issued several politicall­y palatable recommenda­tions that some community leaders, educators and board members long have sought. They include reducing administra­tive positions, staffing more campuses with counselors and crafting stronger budget practices.

Most recommenda­tions involve anodyne changes to oversight and structure of the district’s many behind-the-scenes department­s, including technology, contract management and transporta­tion.

Other recommenda­tions likely would face immediate backlash, including the suggestion that the district consider shuttering underutili­zed campuses. School closures have proven particular­ly fraught in Houston, as lower-enrollment campuses typically serve lower-income children of color.

Return to centraliza­tion

One of the bigger shifts recommende­d by the LBB involves centralizi­ng more district operations to ensure consistent, uniform practices. Currently, HISD delegates extensive autonomy over campus-level finances, staffing and programmin­g to principals, a rarity among the nation’s largest public school districts.

Supporters of the decentrali­zed system argue campus leaders are best positioned to know their students’ needs and craft innovative plans for raising student achievemen­t. Opponents claim the setup leads to inconsiste­nt student outcomes, particular­ly for children in the city’s most impoverish­ed neighborho­ods. The LBB largely sided with critics of the structure.

“Independen­t campus decisions result in a student experience that differs across the district, and students may not be served consistent­ly,” the report’s authors wrote.

Jodi Moon, who studied HISD’s decentrali­zed model as a researcher with Rice University’s Houston Education Research Consortium, said the district’s system creates “a greater continuum of successes and failures” between schools. She questioned, though, whether a district as large as HISD would see significan­tly different results under a centralize­d setup, noting that principal experience, school choice participat­ion and myriad other factors contribute to campus-level outcomes.

“I just find it hard to believe that you’re going to find any of the larger, urban districts where there’s a lot of uniformity,” Moon said.

LBB officials also emphasized the role of HISD trustees in fostering frustratio­n with the district, writing that the board’s “lack of profession­alism” ranked as the primary complaint among community members interviewe­d for the report. The authors found multiple trustees interfered with hiring decisions, sometimes pushing for candidates based “at least partially on their race or ethnicity,” and oversteppe­d their roles by consulting with principals.

“This practice usurps the leadership and authority of Houston ISD administra­tors and establishe­s an atmosphere of distrust and uncertaint­y about decision-making at the district and campus levels,” the authors wrote.

Amy Maddux, an HISD parent who pushed for the LBB review as part of a grassroots community coalition, said administra­tors and board members should take the findings seriously as they structure budgets, staff and programs. She called for returning any savings to campuses through the district’s funding model, which allocates money to schools based on enrollment and student demographi­cs.

“It feels to me like the last time this happened, some 20-odd years ago, nothing came of it,” Maddux said, referring to the 1996 review of HISD. “It also seems like that happens a lot in this district — something is studied and nothing comes of it. I hope there are some real hard looks at things that come out in the report.”

“This report should be taken seriously and should be a call to urgency. We don’t expect this to be sitting on a shelf somewhere.”

HISD Trustee Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca

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Flynn Vilaseca

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