Houston Chronicle

McConnell is open to state aid in next virus relief package

- By Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — Shifting tone, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he is “open” to considerin­g additional funds for state and local government­s in the next coronaviru­s relief bill as the chamber returns to session during the pandemic.

The Republican leader faced a storm of criticism from the nation’s governors after panning Democrats’ proposal for more than $500 billion to help cashstrapp­ed local government­s cover the sudden extra costs of police, fire and other frontline workers in the crisis. Last week, he suggested states should be allowed to go bankrupt.

While saying he’s willing to consider new funds, McConnell insisted the next package must also include federal liability protection­s from what he warned will be an “avalanche” of lawsuits against businesses that reopen during the pandemic.

“There’s no question all governors, regardless of party, would like to have more money, I’m open to discussing that,” McConnell said on Fox News Radio.

Congressio­nal leaders staked out priorities Wednesday for the next round of aid even as key senators joined their House colleagues in sounding alarms over the health risks of reopening the U.S. Capitol.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., urged McConnell to reconsider, saying there is “no way” to bring 100 senators plus staff to the Capitol complex without “increased risk.”

Feinstein said, “This is the wrong example for the country.”

McConnell said Wednesday the Senate will not “sit on the sidelines.” As Congress reaches for the next package, McConnell said his liability proposal must be included. He said he’s trying to prevent a “second pandemic — which is going to be lawsuits against doctors, nurses, hospitals and brave business people opening up.”

Democrats are refining their approach to ward off GOP attacks that federal aid to the states would be a bailout for governors suffering from past budgeting decisions.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the federal aid could come in separate installmen­ts for state, local and municipal government­s as reimbursem­ent of costs of handling the health crisis as the economy shuts down.

Pelosi said House lawmakers are fielding calls from local officials suddenly staring down red ink.

“This is an overwhelmi­ng issue for them,“she said.

Pelosi also named six Democratic lawmakers to join House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn on a new bipartisan committee that will track the nearly $3 trillion in coronaviru­s aid.

The new panel will add another layer of oversight as President Donald Trump’s administra­tion carries out the largest economic rescue in U.S. history.

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