Houston Chronicle

We must help guide our leaders during crisis

- By Edward P. Djerejian Djerejian is the director of Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. His career in the U.S. Foreign Service spanned the administra­tions of eight presidents from John F. Kennedy to Bill Clinton.

Today as we individual­ly, as a nation and as part of the global community face the vital threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, our civilizati­on approaches a turning point. It is our collective responsibi­lity as Americans to take on the momentous challenge of COVID-19 by actively guiding and influencin­g our leaders toward wisdom and resilience. We cannot leave the task up to them alone, especially given the growing lack of trust and partisan divides. Then only will we turn this crisis into an opportunit­y and emerge stronger among our family of nations.

The interests of the people are paramount and, in this case, public health and safety, social justice, economic security and equal opportunit­y must be key goals as we define the post-pandemic era. Let us not forget President Abraham Lincoln’s iconic statement in the Gettysburg Address that we are a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” We cannot return to “business as usual.” To do so would be at our peril.

We have a duty as citizens to hold our leaders in the public and private sectors to accountabi­lity. We must learn the lessons of what went wrong — namely, an almost religious belief in a liberal world order and “globalizat­ion” that left too many people behind; a cost-driven race to the bottom in global supply chains that left us without critical infrastruc­ture redundancy to meet domestic demands in times of crisis; a deficient public health system that has been underfunde­d and neglected as a policy priority; defining national security in overwhelmi­ngly military defense terms without going beyond lip service to the national security threats of pandemics and climate change; neglecting for too long the socioecono­mic inequaliti­es in our society that leave many Americans behind and most vulnerable to economic, educationa­l and health hardships.

There is evident need for change. This crisis presents both danger and opportunit­y. Change that is bottom-up led by an informed and active citizenry alongside responsive political leadership at every level would be the most successful and enduring paradigm. Already we have seen how responsibl­e the vast majority of Americans have been in following the safe distancing, containmen­t, mitigation and other guidelines. We have seen the dedication and brave call to duty by our health care providers, emergency personnel and service sector workers. Local community efforts are building up. Our federal system of government at the national, state and local levels is more complex than in centralize­d societies and countries. Valuable time has been lost in confrontin­g and coordinati­ng the response to the crisis, but the system is coming together more effectivel­y as the weeks pass.

What is particular­ly important is to depart from the politiciza­tion of the crisis.

The blame game is deplorable when so many lives are at stake. Politician­s should reach out across the aisle and collaborat­e as effectivel­y as possible, yes, even in an election year. Who would want a legacy of short-term political gain at the expense of the greater public good? Perhaps some would, but the call to public service must transcend that.

And here the media have a major responsibi­lity to inform the public of the unbiased facts of the crisis. Too often the press and media, left and right, are practicing shallow advocacy. There is little distinctio­n between presenting the news and editoriali­zing with a partisan point of view. News and editorial opinion have been lumped together in one media package. This plays to divisions in our society. The press and media should segregate their reporting into clearly distinct news reporting and editoriali­zing and labeling the latter as such. The way this article comes under the “Opinion” label is a good example.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a gamechange­r that has consequenc­es for how we Americans govern our society, our economy and ourselves. In its aftermath, we will need to re-examine basic assumption­s about the way we live our lives and create new policies. Our economic security, trust in government and way of life are being questioned. The specter of rising populism, nationalis­m, dictatorsh­ip and antiestabl­ishment forces is reappearin­g. Basic issues are rising in the United States-China relationsh­ip. Multilater­alism and the efficacy of existing internatio­nal organizati­ons are being questioned. As a director of a nonpartisa­n public policy think tank, I recognize that we also have a special responsibi­lity at this critical moment to provide data-driven, nonpartisa­n analysis and solutions to both domestic and foreign policy challenges. If we Americans address these issues with open-mindedness and mutual respect, we can help build a more just and resilient society. This has become the major test of our time.

 ?? Marie D. De Jesús / Staff photograph­er ?? Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo is welcomed by medical staff at Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital last week.
Marie D. De Jesús / Staff photograph­er Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo is welcomed by medical staff at Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital last week.

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