Houston Chronicle

Police oversight board needs more independen­ce

- By Philip H. Hilder Hilder is a white-collar criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor. He served on the city of Houston’s Independen­t Police Oversight Board from 2011-2018.

Houston will benefit by embracing an effective, strong and visible Independen­t Police Oversight Board that keeps its police department accountabl­e to the people. Accountabi­lity and transparen­cy are necessary to maintain a responsive police force. Community policing is morphing into militariza­tion around the country as police adopt military culture, equipment and tactics, and the federal government has promoted this seismic shift. This trend is dangerous because it carries the potential to further divide the police from the community.

The government is advocating for police militariza­tion, while simultaneo­usly retreating from policing the police. The Department of Justice has abandoned investigat­ions into unconstitu­tional policing. In the past, the DOJ would utilize consent decrees and court-ordered arrangemen­ts with police department­s to enforce reforms.

It’s more important for a powerful, local police department to answer to the community. A strong oversight board can act as a counterwei­ght instilling public confidence that local law enforcemen­t is responsibl­e and is serving the community rather than controllin­g it. Transparen­cy and accountabi­lity are not stagnant concepts and must evolve to be effective.

Citizen board structure

The oversight board comprises citizen volunteers appointed by the mayor and confirmed by City Council. The board’s purpose is to review internal Houston Police Department investigat­ions including excessive force, misconduct, firearm discharge, serious bodily injury or death and citizen mistreatme­nt. The board makes recommenda­tions on community concerns over recruiting, training and evaluation of police officers. It’s a tough task for the 21 community volunteers.

Structural reforms and modificati­ons are desperatel­y needed to address review panels with enhancemen­t, independen­t tools, community outreach, emerging technology, training and policy.

Structural independen­ce

The board should hold independen­t investigat­ive authority when necessary. As constitute­d, after the Internal Affairs Division completes a misconduct investigat­ion, the results are submitted for the board’s considerat­ion. For the vast majority of complaints this is sufficient. However, there must be an independen­t investigat­ive mechanism for exceptiona­l matters.

Should an independen­t investigat­ion be required, the board could utilize the city’s inspector general, who is already the board’s special adviser in connection with the review of investigat­ions and discipline. The public must have confidence that its board is active and credible. The board must enhance community outreach programs and communicat­e its findings. It must establish a visible process for civilians to lodge direct complaints and concerns.

The board must have its own publicly accessible facility. Currently, the board is located in HPD’s headquarte­rs. The mere optics of its location undermine a perception of “independen­ce.”

Operationa­l support

Establishi­ng at least limited, administra­tive subpoena power to obtain HPD records, including bodycam recordings, would help to evaluate department policies, practices and training. Currently, HPD provides informatio­n to the board at its discretion. Full subpoena power to compel testimony may not be necessary for internal investigat­ions since police officers are required to cooperate as part of their employment agreement. At a minimum, the board should be able to obtain HPD documents, a power the board currently does not hold. Depending upon reform parameters, undisclose­d informatio­n by HPD may become publicly available — as has been called for in the aftermath of the botched Harding Street raid.

The board merits a full-time, paid director position to ensure that the process functions effectivel­y. Additional­ly, the chairperso­n should have a security clearance, as should a subcommitt­ee within the board, to oversee securityre­stricted new technology. Technology in law enforcemen­t changes rapidly, and the community that pays for it must have a say in its usage. New technologi­es include drones and robots for surveillan­ce and yet unidentifi­ed artificial intelligen­ce. As of now the board is powerless to monitor usage, training or policy around securityre­stricted devices. Questions may arise about under what conditions can these machines be weaponized, if at all. True oversight includes technology.

Other technology issues confrontin­g the board include requiremen­ts to audit the tens of thousands of hours of bodyworn camera video. The cameras represent a change in technology justifying additional resources unimagined when the board was created.

Clearly the board is severely underpopul­ated to perform misconduct evaluation­s and supervise training, policy input and community outreach. Additional panels should be constitute­d to enact robust, sustained community outreach. Community members must realize a tangible connection to oversight.

Way forward

Expanding the board’s visibility and powers should be welcomed. It can preserve community accountabi­lity and control over a police force that is a protector, not an enemy.

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