Houston Chronicle

Senate hands Trump a judicial milestone

- By John Wagner

WASHINGTON — A divided Senate on Wednesday confirmed President Donald Trump’s 200th judicial nominee, a milestone that reflects the breakneck speed at which he and fellow Republican­s have moved to create a legacy that will endure regardless of the outcome of this year’s elections.

On a largely party-line 52-to-48 vote, the Republican-led chamber approved the nomination of Cory Wilson of Mississipp­i to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, elevating another conservati­ve judge to a lifetime appointmen­t on the federal bench.

With Wilson’s confirmati­on, Republican­s also reached a benchmark vigorously pursued by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.: For the first time in more than four decades, there are no longer any vacancies on the nation’s appeals courts, the judicial level where most major rulings are handed down.

Wilson, 49, a state appeals court judge and former state legislator, became the 53rd circuit court judge nominated by Trump and steered to confirmati­on by

McConnell, the driving force behind the GOP push to reshape the judiciary, who has adopted the mantra of “no vacancy left behind.”

At the end of his eight years, President Barack Obama had 55 circuit judges confirmed by the Senate.

In remarks before the vote on Wilson’s nomination, McConnell called him “an outstandin­g nominee for this important vacancy” and heralded the milestone of confirming 200 judges. He said it was not a partisan win but “a victory for the rule of the law and the

Constituti­on itself.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said the “landmark achievemen­t” was the result of “the president keeping his word” and the dedicated work of McConnell and other leading Republican­s in the chamber.

The judges’ “decisions will be driven by what the law actually says,” Grassley said.

Wednesday’s vote underscore­d that McConnell and fellow Republican­s have been undeterred in ensuring confirmati­on of the president’s picks for the circuit courts and other levels of the federal judiciary despite the crises of a pandemic, recession and civil unrest over racial injustice.

Filling court vacancies has become even more crucial for the GOP less than five months head of elections with the presidency and Senate majority at stake.

Last month, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., urged federal judges who are in their mid- to late 60s to step aside so Republican­s, increasing­ly nervous about holding the majority in November, can fill the vacancies now.

The impact of the GOP push was made clear Wednesday, when a federal appeals court ruled that a veteran district court judge can’t scrutinize the Justice Department’s decision to drop its long-running prosecutio­n of Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn and must dismiss the case.

The ruling was written by Judge Neomi Rao, a recent nominee of the president.

Among the objections expressed by Democrats to Wilson’s appointmen­t was his frequent criticism of Obama and other prominent Democrats while a state lawmaker and adviser to top Mississipp­i officials.

Wilson, for example, called the Affordable Care Act “illegitima­te” and “perverse,” and he wrote that he wished the Supreme Court would strike down the signature health-care law that Obama signed in 2010.

During his confirmati­on hearing, Wilson said that as a judge he has put aside past criticism of Democrats and is committed to following the precedent of the Supreme Court.

The American Bar Associatio­n’s committee on the federal judiciary rated Wilson as “well qualified” for a seat on the New Orleans-based appeals court ahead of his confirmati­on hearing.

Senate Democrats also questioned Wilson’s commitment to voting rights.

Ahead of this month’s Judiciary Committee vote to advance his nomination, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., cited a 2011 opinion piece written for a newspaper in which Wilson said a voter identifica­tion law would suppress voters in Mississipp­i were “Poppycock. Unless you count the dead vote, in which case they may be right.”

“This record is extremely problemati­c at this moment in time,” Harris said.

 ?? Rogelio V. Solis / Associated Press ?? The Senate endorsed Cory Wilson to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. He is President Trump’s 200th nominee.
Rogelio V. Solis / Associated Press The Senate endorsed Cory Wilson to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. He is President Trump’s 200th nominee.

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