Houston Chronicle

Wear it correctly


Regarding “Coronaviru­s is pollution — from infected humans,” (A13, July 2): I agree that people should wear masks.

But people also need to wear the mask correctly, over both their mouth and nose. I have seen a lot of people, including employees of businesses, wearing masks that cover only their mouths.

You might as well not wear a mask if it is not worn correctly. Do the right thing — wear the mask correctly for your safety and mine! Brandt Mannchen, Humble

Having just returned from an emergency trip to western New York, I flew with great caution and some trepidatio­n since viruses do not distinguis­h between people or within states. Having come from a state that does not mandate masks, I was pleasantly surprised that everyone, everywhere I went, especially in stores and servers at food places, including fast food places, was wearing a mask. Everyone, from senior citizens to children had their masks and observed social distancing.

I felt safer from unseen droplets containing the virus.

I’m sure it was not always easy for any of them to follow the rules, but they did. We are not any different. Remember seat belt mandates? Countless lives have been saved by that simple rule.

I read about a nurse who said, “If you don’t like wearing a mask, you won’t like a ventilator!”

Please wear a mask to protect yourself and for the sake of others! C. Rita Portales, Bryan

I liked your front page ad from Houston Methodist so much, I put it on my front door (not that I have any visitors these days). Diane Wells, Houston

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