Houston Chronicle

A better solution for DHS



Regarding “Overhaul DHS,” (A19, Sept. 14): The Houston Chronicle is right to call for a closer look at the Department of Homeland Security. But the better solution is not to break up DHS or create new Cabinet department­s.

On Sept. 9, the Atlantic Council released the first comprehens­ive study of DHS since 2004, with input from 100 top homeland and national security experts, including five former secretarie­s and acting secretarie­s of Homeland Security under Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump. We recommende­d DHS needs to focus more on fighting COVID-19, which hit Texas hard; dealing with the effects on critical infrastruc­ture of climate change or extreme weather like Hurricanes Hanna and Laura; and protecting American democracy against threats from Russia, China and Iran. And none of DHS’s current missions are going away.

DHS should lead the defense of the nation against non-military threats. DHS should update its approach to the private sector and fix DHS’s management problems. But our experts strongly recommend no reorganiza­tion for at least a year. Moving boxes on an organizati­on chart will not solve DHS’s problems.

The problem with oversight of DHS isn’t that DHS is too large or diffuse. The problem is that more than 90 congressio­nal committees or subcommitt­ees oversee some part of DHS. Streamlini­ng congressio­nal oversight of homeland security has been recommende­d by Democratic, Republican and nonpartisa­n experts. It’s the last recommenda­tion of the 9/11 Commission that hasn’t been implemente­d. Thomas Warrick, former Department of Homeland Security’s deputy assistant secretary for counterter­rorism policy, Washington, D.C.

Unnecessar­y expense

Today my husband’s applicatio­n for ballot by mail arrived. There is just one problem. He has been deceased for more than five years. After his death, when absentee ballots continued to arrive, I returned them to the Harris County Clerk’s Office, apprising them of his death. The ballots stopped briefly, but now my husband is back on their lists. What an unnecessar­y expense and an opportunit­y or temptation for voter fraud if the county is blanketed with unrequeste­d applicatio­ns for absentee ballots. Elizabeth Meredith, Houston

I want to thank you for the time and real research on candidates for 2020. I rely on your excellent background work on each person and their viewpoints. Good journalism is vital for a well-informed public. Second, thanks so much for the puzzle books! Third, Alison Cook dining at Whataburge­r and eating Ritz crackers … OMG, it is 2020! Nancy Bohnstedt, Cypress

 ?? Nelvin C. Cepeda / Tribune News Service ?? Some have called for an overhaul of the Department of Homeland Security.
Nelvin C. Cepeda / Tribune News Service Some have called for an overhaul of the Department of Homeland Security.

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