Houston Chronicle

Cruz against Big Tech


Don’t make false statements

Regarding “Cruz digs in for battle with Big Tech,” (A1, Nov. 23): There’s an easy solution for Sen. Ted Cruz’s problem with Big Tech. When sending out messages via Twitter, don’t make statements that aren’t true. Donald Trump says that fact checking attempts by social media platforms are one of the greatest dangers to free speech that we have faced in American history. I beg to differ. Unchecked false statements spewed to the American public day in and day out pose a much greater threat. It looks to me like social media platforms are simply trying to point out to the American people that two plus two, regardless of what some people say, does not equal five.

Brenden McBride, Katy

 ?? Erin Schaff / New York Times ?? Sen. Ted Cruz leaves after a vote at the Capitol inWashingt­on, D.C., last week.
Erin Schaff / New York Times Sen. Ted Cruz leaves after a vote at the Capitol inWashingt­on, D.C., last week.

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