Houston Chronicle

Biden to focus on trade pact enforcemen­t

Trump’s blunt tool of punishing tariffs to be cut or shelved

- By Eric Martin

President Joe Biden’s administra­tion is setting up its trade policy to prioritize enforcemen­t of existing commitment­s by U.S. partners over negotiatin­g more deals to open new export markets.

Biden’s likely strategy for supporting American producers focuses on going after violations via dialogue, work with allies and use of dispute-resolution mechanisms in existing trade agreements rather than following the Trump administra­tion’s more blunt unilateral tool of national security tariffs, according to industry veterans familiar with his incoming team. That could leave existing free-trade talks with the U.K. and Kenya in limbo for the foreseeabl­e future.

Biden has signaled he won’t immediatel­y remove duties inherited from Trump, who enthusiast­ically dubbed himself “Tariff Man” for levying duties to pressure China, the European Union and even Mexico and Canada to address perceived injustices affecting American workers.

USMCA action

Whether and how soon he might remove the tariffs, and what he would seek in return, are open questions. But his approach to enforcemen­t is likely to focus on negotiatio­n, mediation and multilater­al action rather than unilateral moves — more of a surgical than sledgehamm­er strategy.

Biden’s starting point may be the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement that went into force in July, replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement. Katherine Tai, Biden’s nominee for U.S. trade representa­tive, was instrument­al in negotiatin­g the deal’s labor provisions. The AFL-CIO, the U.S.’ largest labor union and a traditiona­l Democratic ally, has been promising since September to bring the first complaint over conditions in Mexico.

“We should expect action under the labor provisions of the USMCA pretty quickly,” said Jamieson Greer, a partner in the internatio­nal trade practice at King & Spalding in Washington who served as chief of staff to Trump’s USTR, Robert Lighthizer. The new administra­tion “is going to want to bring a case that’s really targeted to a specific facility in Mexico that’s as close to a slam-dunk case as you can get.”

The AFL-CIO and Democrats made strong labor rules and enforcemen­t mechanisms for Mexico a key demand to win their support for the USMCA in 2019, concerned that the pact it was replacing lacked both. Cathy Feingold, the AFL-CIO’s internatio­nal department director, said she hopes the union will be a petitioner in a labor complaint under the USMCA within the first 100 days of Biden’s presidency after covid-19 and other factors complicate­d the process of documentin­g ongoing labor violations in Mexico last year.

Union criticisms

U.S. labor unions have long complained that Mexican factories under Nafta denied workers’ rights to keep down salaries and unfairly undercut America on cost. The AFL-CIO has highlighte­d cases of alleged harassment, like the example of Susana Prieto Terrazas, an independen­t tradeunion lawyer in Mexico who was jailed in the northern state of Tamaulipas last June after working to organize employees at an auto-parts plant.

The USMCA went into effect in mid-2020. In November, Representa­tive Richard Neal, a Massachuse­tts

Democrat and chairman of the House Ways & Means committee, criticized the Trump administra­tion for a lack of enforcemen­t action. He cited union leaders and labor lawyers in Mexico facing violence, saying workers were being denied their basic rights on a daily basis.

Under the USMCA’s provisions, any member of the public in the U.S. can submit a petition alleging denial of rights at a facility in Mexico. An inter-agency U.S. committee then reviews to see if there’s sufficient, credible evidence. If there is, the committee then requests that Mexico conducts its own probe. While there are a number of steps focused on remedying any violation, the U.S. ultimately can rescind duty-free treatment on products from a particular facility or even block imports altogether for repeated violations.

Tai is awaiting a hearing from the Senate finance committee that needs to confirm her.

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