Houston Chronicle

Most over 50 would be dead without vaccines

- By Paul Klotman Paul Klotman, M.D. is president, CEO and executive dean of Baylor College of Medicine.

In the time of the Roman Empire, over 2,000 years ago, worldwide longevity for humans was about 35 years of age. That did not change until the 1850s. Since 1850, the increase in longevity of humans has been at a rate of about three years each decade. So what happened? Science entered medical practice. Medicine began to move from focusing on the likely outcome of a disease to using science and scientific method to answer medical questions and develop interventi­ons and treatments. A few examples: In 1850, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis­s, a Hungarian physician, proved that hand-washing could reduce fatal infections that were occurring in as many as 25 percent to 30 percent of women who gave birth in the hospital. Dr. John Snow identified that the handle of a water pump on Broad Street in London was the source of cholera. By removing the pump, cases of cholera disappeare­d quickly.

In the late 1800s, the German physician Robert Koch establishe­d the field of microbiolo­gy and identified many of the organisms responsibl­e for disease in humans.

Dr. Joseph Lister developed the use of antiseptic­s to reduce bacterial transmissi­on in surgery. Lister's studies, along with the work of French researcher Louis Pasteur, supported the concept that preventing bacteria from entering the human body could prevent disease. In the 19th century, most of the advances in longevity were the result of preventing bacterial infections, using antiseptic techniques and providing clean water through civil engineerin­g.

As we entered the 20th century, the main causes of death were still bacterial infections: pneumonia, dysentery, bacterial enteritis, diphtheria and tuberculos­is. With the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928, the age of antibiotic­s was born. With effective therapy for many bacterial infections, we lived through life threatenin­g diseases, and lived longer.

But, viral diseases continued to threaten mankind. In the 1930s, ’40s and ’50s, polio killed and paralyzed millions of children, teens and adults around the globe. It was a devastatin­g disease that affected the young and struck fear in the heart of every parent around the world. The killed virus vaccine against polio invented by Dr. Jonas Salk (1952) and the attenuated live virus vaccine of Dr. Albert Sabin (1963) eliminated this disease and added years of life to humans.

Like antibiotic­s before them, vaccines became the main drivers of longevity in the 20th century. Vaccines all but eliminated smallpox, measles, mumps, tetanus, chickenpox, diphtheria, rubella, scarlet fever and Type B meningitis. Vaccines effectivel­y treat flu, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, Haemophilu­s influenza b, Rotavirus and pneumococc­al disease.

So when I hear that people don’t believe in vaccines or are reluctant to get one, I want to say, think again. Next time you visit a relative in your family over the age of 50, take a good look at them. Without vaccines, there is a good chance they wouldn’t be alive today.

And unfortunat­ely, we have evidence of the importance of vaccines when they are not available. This year for the first time in 150 years, mankind lost, on average, an entire year of life because we didn’t have a vaccine for the coronaviru­s.

So, let’s not ignore over 150 years of science that has led to an increase in longevity for every person on this planet. Get vaccinated! And until you do, wear a mask.

 ?? Marie D. De Jesús / Staff photograph­er ?? Sister Veronica Ogunlade, 49, gets the first Moderna vaccine Thursday at the CHRISTUS St. Marys Clinic.
Marie D. De Jesús / Staff photograph­er Sister Veronica Ogunlade, 49, gets the first Moderna vaccine Thursday at the CHRISTUS St. Marys Clinic.

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