Houston Chronicle


- By Bobby Wolff

South upgrades his 11-count with quick tricks, two four-card suits and fair intermedia­tes into an opener. After North makes a negative double of one spade and South shows his hearts, North invites game and South passes.

When West leads the diamond queen against three hearts, declarer sees that he needs to take two ruffs in one hand or the other. It looks easier to play for club ruffs, using the power of his spot-cards.

South wins the diamond lead in hand and advances the club 10. West takes his ace and continues diamonds, hoping to tap the dummy. Declarer wins on the table and calls for a low club. East wins and shifts to a spade. Declarer wins in hand and advances a trump, which goes to the jack and ace. Now comes the club nine: How should East react?

The key is that declarer has no pressing need to discard anything from his hand. (This is often the critical issue in these positions.) Thus, there is no hurry to cover. Doing so would only establish the club queen in dummy. When East plays small, declarer has to ruff high to keep West from scoring the heart seven, but West can simply overruff and play the heart king, followed by another trump. There is no communicat­ion in diamonds, so declarer cannot squeeze East. He must lose either a club or a diamond at the end, depending on which hand he wins the third spade in.

If East had covered the third club, the position would have been the same, except with a club winner in dummy for the contract-fulfilling trick.

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