Houston Chronicle

Roe v. Wade overturned


Regarding “Supreme Court strikes down Roe v. Wade, ending constituti­onal protection of abortion rights,” (June 24): I began Friday morning by picking up my paper and sitting awhile in my front porch swing. I was soaking in the beauty like my husband used to do. The Herrick house is one in the making. Just a little house with a million-dollar view. It sits on a corner, a stream beside it that opens to the bigger lake that I can see when I turn and look to the left. An Acapulco-like breeze was gently blowing and I was admiring his Aggie ring that I just this morning put on the finger where I wore my wedding ring. Then I came inside to find such ugliness on my TV screen. The Supreme Court just Thursday said our sons had the right to every gun, but Friday said our daughters had no right to govern their own bodies. I did no work that day, even though company was coming. It was a day of mourning, June 24, 2022, for the beauty lost by our country.

Ruth Earlene Herrick, Willis

Regarding “Texas’ top political leaders react to Roe v. Wade reversal,” (June 24): Women should not

forget that Republican­s are the ones responsibl­e for the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. When Mitch McConnell refused to consider President Barack Obama’s nomination for the Supreme Court, that set this decision in motion. Donald Trump was able to appoint three anti-choice conservati­ves to the Supreme Court. Women need to rise up in every state to protect women’s rights to control their own reproducti­ve health. Women who have money will likely still be able to get abortions as they always have; those without resources will have a difficult time. In addition to helping those who will need help, let’s remember who respects women in the coming elections.

S.A. Burnett, Houston

At last I can truthfully say, in my declining years, isn’t it wonderful that I have no daughters, no daughters-in-laws, and no granddaugh­ters? Marge Moore, Houston

So, a bunch of old guys and one woman have decided the fate of many American women. I suggest that unwanted babies be deposited on the steps of the Supreme Court to have the justices take care of them.

Sylvia Landry, Houston

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