Houston Chronicle

Border situation


Regarding “Editorial: Abbott’s Operation Lone Star looks like a payday to cartels,” (Aug. 3): Are you suggesting that the alternativ­e to preventing people from all over the world to illegally enter Texas is to just allow them to enter and stay so that the cartels do not profit from multiple re-entry attempts by people who are sent back through Gov. Greg Abbott’s enforcemen­t of Operation Lone Star?

What Abbott is doing has nothing to do with immigratio­n reform, which the U.S. Congress has failed to address for decades. It merely has to do with our governor and attorney general’s attempts to protect Texas citizens and their property from people who pay cartels thousands of dollars to help them enter, simply because the Biden administra­tion refuses to do its constituti­onal job. Blaming Abbott for the Biden administra­tion’s lack of action on the southern border to protect U.S. citizens and their property is disingenuo­us and political, at best, and an outright lie at worst. And that’s just the unauthoriz­ed entry issue; there’s also the issue of human traffickin­g, as well as preventing drugs and terrorists from illegally entering.

Your editorial’s citing the plight of millions of poor “very vulnerable people” just trying to make a better life for themselves completely ignores the fact that what they are doing is against the law in virtually every country in the world and that they have chosen to take that action. Frankly, your editorial insults the intelligen­ce of every U.S. citizen, not just Texans, who — whether they admit it or not — know better.

Hayden Black, Spring

You guys amaze me!

What about President Joe Biden? What has he done? Our situation at the border is so much worse since he took office. I doubt I'll be seeing any editorial about him and how much he has done wrong any time soon.

Scott Aulds, Richmond

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