Houston Chronicle

Biden warns of rising hate at colleges


WASHINGTON — The Biden administra­tion is warning U.S. schools and colleges that they must take immediate action to stop antisemiti­sm and Islamophob­ia on their campuses, citing an “alarming rise” in threats and harassment.

In a Tuesday letter, the Education Department said there’s “renewed urgency” to fight discrimina­tion against students during the Israel-Hamas war. The letter reminds schools of their legal duty to protect students and intervene to stop harassment that disrupts their education.

“The rise of reports of hate incidents on our college campuses in the wake of the IsraelHama­s conflict is deeply traudid matic for students and should be alarming to all Americans,” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a statement. “Antisemiti­sm, Islamophob­ia and all other forms of hatred go against everything we stand for as a nation.”

Universiti­es have faced mounting criticism over their response to the war and its reverberat­ions at U.S. schools. Jewish and Muslim students on many campuses say too little is being done to keep them safe. Protests have sometimes turned violent, including at a recent demonstrat­ion at Tulane University, while threats of violence have upended campuses including Cornell University.

The Education Department offered few specifics on how colleges should respond, and it little to answer questions about where to draw the line between political speech and harassment. Instead, it outlined schools’ broad duties under the Civil Rights Act.

It says schools must intervene to stop conduct that is “objectivel­y offensive and is so severe or pervasive that it limits or denies a person’s ability to participat­e in or benefit from the recipient’s education program or activity.”

The Education Department investigat­es reports of civil rights violations at schools. Institutio­ns can face penalties up to a loss of federal money.

In other actions, federal law enforcemen­t officials have partnered with campus police to assess threats and improve security.

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