Houston Chronicle

Dear Abby:

- Www.DearAbby.com Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n

My parents have been divorced for 30 years. It was an unpleasant divorce because Dad had an affair with a woman he worked with and married her soon after. Mom was devastated. She and Dad were high school sweetheart­s.

Both have moved on from this — sort of. Dad has since divorced, remarried and divorced again. He’s now with a woman he isn’t married to, but who is wonderful to him. My mom remarried to a lovely man she knew in high school. But she still talks about my dad and how he hurt her.

I knew about the affair when I was younger and, as I grew older, I discovered there had been many more affairs with other women. Mom takes some responsibi­lity for the divorce. She mentioned that she wasn’t always “there” for Dad.

I recently saw my father. He confided that he always wanted to be a “one-woman guy” and have one wife, but not only was my mom rarely “there” for him, but they also didn’t have relations for the first two years of their marriage.

Should I bring this up to Mom the next time she talks about Dad in a negative light or let it go? Pulled In Two In Florida

Dear Pulled: If you bring up what your father told you, it will only stir the pot. Let it go. But before you do, tell your mother you know the divorce was hurtful to both of them, and you would appreciate it if she wouldn’t discuss it with you further.

As to your father, he had no business discussing what he did with you. If he brings it up again, remind him that his marriage to your mother was only his first marriage, and you don’t want to hear it again because it was inappropri­ate.

Dear Abby: We have a couple we invite over for games and dessert. For the last several months, they have been asking me if the dessert I’ve made is from a mix. They are not joking; they are serious. I’m a good cook and baker. They’ve eaten here often and know I cook from scratch. I try to make something special every time.

I tried showing them the recipe for whatever dessert I’ve made for an evening, but it hasn’t put the issue to bed. I invite them to our home less often because of this. If it were just me, I’d quit seeing them altogether, but my husband plays golf with the husband.

How can I get them to stop?

Trying To Get Along In Nevada

Dear Trying: Call the wife and ask her why she and her husband keep doing this. Remind her that she knows that you prepare the food you serve them from scratch, and you are puzzled about why she has been implying that you didn’t. Then let her explain.

After that, ask if she and her husband would prefer that, instead of you spending hours in the kitchen before their visits, you simply order pizza and a salad?

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