iD magazine




You can do anything you want. Everything is possible if you believe. Yes, we can! Such statements echo through thousands of conference halls around the world. But more and more psychologi­sts are growing very skeptical about this motivation­al mantra. “Positive imaginatio­n targets can undermine true motivation,” warns Thomas Langens, a psychologi­st at Germany’s University of Wuppertal. In fact, one study has shown: Candidates who had high expectatio­ns about their future after graduation filled out fewer job applicatio­ns and received fewer offers than their pessimisti­c rivals. And: After two years the “optimists” were earning less than those without inflated expectatio­ns. The promised success enabled them to enjoy the desired future before it became a reality. That’s why Australian psychologi­st Joseph Forgas recommends allowing negative thoughts and making use of their power: “Negative sentiments frequently promote a style of thinking that can make people more attentive and adaptable.”

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