iD magazine


The solution will appear in the next issue, on stands June 24, 2016.


Who will be the first player to reach 100? James and Mike alternatel­y call out a number between 1 and 9. These numbers are added sequential­ly. For example, James says “3” and then Mike says “6,” which when added yield 9. Then James says “5,” which brings the

Wie wird Honig bunt? total up to 14, and so on as the two take turns. Whoever reaches the number 100 first wins. How can James make sure he’s the winner?

Solution from the April 2016 issue: It would not be a wise choice to accept the wager. The reason: Brandon would not actually pay Chris the $100, after having ensnared him in a $50 con. Instead, Brandon would keep the $50 that Chris put up, lose the bet on purpose, and pay Chris $10 for having lost the bet to him. Bottom line: Brandon comes out ahead with a gain of $40, while Chris comes out of the bet with a $40 loss. PHOTOS: T. Sturm/ Cabrillo College; Getty Images; Randi Ang; Corbis; PR (2). ILLUSTRATI­ONS: Graham Murdoch; Getty Images.

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