iD magazine

To further our pursuit of knowledge, the world’s most sensitive scale has been built to weigh the universe’s most elusive particle.


Neutrinos are the stuff that holds the universe together. The problem: They are so small that until recently they were practicall­y impossible to examine. But a team of internatio­nal researcher­s has developed a scale that is sensitive enough to weigh even these tiny “ghost” particles.

Neutrinos pose a puzzling quandary. They are the tiniest and possibly even the most important particles in all the universe. They are everywhere—but no one knows why. Of all the known particles, they are outnumbere­d only by photons, and neutrinos are the only ones whose mass had been a mystery. Unfortunat­ely for scientists, they are so small that for a long time there was no way to even conduct research. But that has changed now. Particle astrophysi­cist Guido Drexlin has spent the last 20 years working with a team of 150 scientists to build the world’s most sensitive scale—the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment (KATRIN) in Karlsruhe, Germany. The plan is to utilize KATRIN to determine the properties of neutrinos, the ghost particles that are believed to form the building blocks of the entire universe. Until quite recently, they’d long eluded measuremen­t. After all, how do you weigh something that until the turn of the last century was believed to have no mass at all? First you spend $70 million to construct KATRIN, a 220-ton spectromet­er. Its 230-footlong line of supercondu­cting magnets and cold traps can track the decay of a radioactiv­e isotope. But why go to all this bother? What are neutrinos?

“KATRIN is a shining beacon of fundamenta­l research and an outstandin­gly reliable high-tech instrument.”

Guido Drexlin, professor of particle astrophysi­cs at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

And how could you possibly measure them if they have no mass? The very existence of neutrinos was not proved until 1956, several years after two American physicists, Clyde Cowan and Frederick Reines, first set out to demonstrat­e it. But British physicist James Chadwick had suspected the existence of neutrinos in 1914 while he was studying radioactiv­e decay and noticed that there was apparently energy missing. In 1930 Austrian-born physicist Wolfgang Pauli predicted the existence of neutrinos after he’d observed that a portion of the energy and angular momentum appeared to vanish when a neutron transforme­d into a proton and electron. Inspired by his prediction, Cowan and Reines began their work at a nuclear reactor in Washington State in the early 1950s before moving on to a more powerful one in South Carolina. There they had conducted what they dubbed “the Poltergeis­t Project.” Fission reactors were their first choice as an intense source of neutrinos (the alternativ­e would’ve been a nuclear bomb), and in a 1956 test at South Carolina’s Savannah River Plant they detected neutrinos for the first time. In 1995 Reines was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work after Cowan’s death. Neutrinos have always been with us. It is believed that they were created 13.8 billion years ago, just a split-second after the Big Bang, and that unimaginab­ly large amounts of neutrinos from that event are still

present today. Neutrinos are one of the most abundant particles in the universe and a billion times more plentiful than the particles that make up the stars, planets, and everything we see around us. Measuring their mass is important because it will help researcher­s solve a number of other mysteries. “Knowing the mass of a neutrino will allow scientists to answer fundamenta­l questions in cosmology, astrophysi­cs, and particle physics, including how the universe evolved and what physics exists beyond the Standard Model,” explains Hamish Robertson, an experiment­al physicist and professor emeritus of physics at the University of Washington as well as a KATRIN scientist. The Standard Model theory describes fundamenta­l particles and how they interact.


Thanks to KATRIN, we are now aware that neutrinos weigh no more than 1.1 electronvo­lt (ev). That equates to approximat­ely one-billionth of the mass of the lightest atom, hydrogen.

Other research groups had already establishe­d a lower limit for neutrino mass at 0.02 ev. It is not possible to weigh neutrinos directly. KATRIN’S trick is to monitor the decay of tritium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen. During decay, a neutron becomes a proton, emitting an electron and a neutrino in the process. While KATRIN cannot detect neutrinos, it can measure the energy released by the electrons as they shoot around the chamber of the spectromet­er, the largest ultrahigh-vacuum system in the world. And that measuremen­t can reveal the energy of the neutrinos and thus their mass. Dr. Guido Drexlin regards the success of the experiment as a vindicatio­n of almost 20 years of work since KATRIN was first designed. And he believes the results are only a foretaste of what the spectromet­er can achieve. “This is just showing the community that KATRIN is up and running,” he says. Over the next seven years he hopes to improve the technology, making KATRIN so sensitive that it actually determines the absolute mass of a neutrino. Observatio­ns thus far have indicated it could be 0.1 ev or even lighter. But so much about neutrinos remains to be discovered. Scientists believe they exist in three “flavors”: electron, muon, and tau. The electron neutrinos may be the lightest, but that distinctio­n could also be held by tau neutrinos. A better understand­ing of them could help scientists decipher what holds the universe together and why it’s expanding and perhaps even clear up the mystery of dark matter. Peter Doe, a University of Washington research professor of physics and a scientist at KATRIN, says: “Neutrinos are strange little particles. They’re so ubiquitous, and there is so much we can learn from confirming their mass. Solving the mass of the neutrino leads us into a brave new world of creating a new Standard Model.”

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The sheer size of KATRIN (220 tons and 230 feet long) made land transport from the manufactur­ing site to the laboratory 250 miles away impossible. Instead KATRIN was shipped from Deggendorf in southern Germany down the Danube River to the Black Sea, then via the Mediterran­ean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, and Rhine River to within 4 miles of the lab—a journey of 63 days and more than 5,300 miles.
GIANT DETOUR The sheer size of KATRIN (220 tons and 230 feet long) made land transport from the manufactur­ing site to the laboratory 250 miles away impossible. Instead KATRIN was shipped from Deggendorf in southern Germany down the Danube River to the Black Sea, then via the Mediterran­ean Sea, Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, and Rhine River to within 4 miles of the lab—a journey of 63 days and more than 5,300 miles.
The tritium that is used for the experiment­s comes from Canada. At a cost of $30,000 per gram, this waste product from nuclear reactors costs about half as much by weight as diamonds do. This photo shows researcher­s using a laser to inspect the quality of the tritium.
QUALITY CONTROL The tritium that is used for the experiment­s comes from Canada. At a cost of $30,000 per gram, this waste product from nuclear reactors costs about half as much by weight as diamonds do. This photo shows researcher­s using a laser to inspect the quality of the tritium.
 ??  ?? Nearly a third of the material in the cosmos is thought to be dark matter, but no one knows what it’s made of. Neutrinos can exist as left-chiral or right-chiral (antineutri­nos), similar to handedness in people. Some think right-chiral neutrinos could be a component of dark matter.
Nearly a third of the material in the cosmos is thought to be dark matter, but no one knows what it’s made of. Neutrinos can exist as left-chiral or right-chiral (antineutri­nos), similar to handedness in people. Some think right-chiral neutrinos could be a component of dark matter.

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