Imperial Valley Press

Hillary’s behavior on the brink

- Jules Witcover’s latest book is “The American Vice Presidency: From Irrelevanc­e to Power,” published by Smithsonia­n Books. You can respond to this column at juleswitco­ JULES WITCOVER VIEWPOINT

WASHINGTON — In the wake of a mini-protest of Bernie Sanders supporters against the Nevada Democratic Party at its state convention in Las Vegas last weekend, Hillary Clinton in a CNN interview has essentiall­y called on Sanders to rein them in.

The protesters had engaged in some minor violence in a fight over delegate allocation to the July national party convention, reportedly throwing chairs and making personal threats against the state party chairwoman.

Both sides overreacte­d, a reflection of the kind of tension that mounts as a presidenti­al nomination nears its conclusion after months of intense competitio­n.

Clinton backers, including Democratic National Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, called on both sides to cool their tempers, and President Obama through his press secretary has echoed her, saying he expected all parties to adhere to nonviolent behavior.

A still-feisty Sanders, noting his recent string of state primary victories, called any criticism of his troops “nonsense” and vowed to press on to the end of the primary calendar next month, which includes delegate rich primaries in California and New Jersey.

Sanders took the occasion to complain again about some states limiting participat­ion to registered Democrats in what essentiall­y are party functions, and reiterated his belief that he still had a path to winning the nomination.

In doing so, he brushed aside the fact he trails Clinton by more than 700 pledged delegates, and allocation­s in the remaining primaries will be split on a proportion­al basis.

Neverthele­ss, it is indisputab­le that he has every right to compete to the end of the process.

And it is understand­able in light of the remarkable success he has had, starting as the longest of longshots, that he has gotten as far as has.

He has already proved his case that there is strong support in the party for the extreme progressiv­e agenda he has advocated.

Clinton in her CNN interview, however, took the occasion to point out that her campaigner­s and those of Sanders were “following the same rules, that she was “three million votes ahead of him, and I have an insurmount­able lead in pledged delegates.”

It was time for him, she implied, to follow her example in her failed 2008 presidenti­al race against Barack Obama, when she finally bowed out in the interests of party unity against Republican nominee John McCain.

She told her CNN interviewe­r: “So Sen. Sanders has to do his part. … That’s the lesson of 2008, which was a hard-fought primary … because I did my part.”

Driving home her point, Clinton reminded Sanders that he has said he would “do everything possible to defeat Donald Trump” if he became the Republican nominee. “He said he’d work seven days a week. I take him at his word.”

But Sanders never said he’d quit, or stop trying to win, before all Democrats had voted.

It must be remembered that he also has been on a career-long mission to bring about a political revolution in the party and the country, and he still has a huge megaphone through which to deliver his message.

Clinton does little for her own cause by seeming to be impatient to seize the crown.

Sanders’ insistence on perseverin­g is not likely to inflict much damage to her election chances by doing so. And her suggestion that she deserves his premature exit because she bowed out against Obama at the end of their competitio­n in 2008 is irrelevant. What’s that to the zealous Bernie?

In one debate in that campaign, Obama memorably drew laughs and snickers by observing of Clinton that she was “likeable enough.”

If she would give Sanders whatever time he needs now to mollify his loyal campaigner­s, she just might win a few brownie points with Democratic voters who apparently still feel that way about her, or worse.

There will be nearly six weeks after the last primaries and the opening of the Democratic convention for Sanders to fulfill his pledge to join the fight against Donald Trump, and to bring his loyal army with him in the effort.

Hillary should not crowd him and wait until she officially is the Democratic nominee, before behaving as if she already is.

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