Imperial Valley Press

Resume on some political events in the U.S.


Current events: This guy Alex Jones far right/reactionar­y Texas Radio talk host, has aired some outrages lies. Well, unfortunat­ely he is in his constituti­onal right to do so. That is, as long as he operates under the disclaimer claus of “Entertainm­ent Program Show.” And not as legitimate news. Yet, too many voters actually believe his spin. Just as they have believed for years Beck, Galliger, Hanity, Lavin, Rush and Savage. All featured on our Brawley AM Radio Station. Pues, si!

North Korea Kim Jong Un is only bluffing. Just like I told y’all when Sadam Hussein said that it would be, “The mother of all battles” if the United States/”America” dares to invade Iraq.

In 40 days (Biblical) U.S. troops were in Bagdad. Tan facil asi/that easy! It was merely saber rattling. This I wrote before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “A prophet is not accepted in his home land.”

In his first 100 days Donald Trump has learned what other president have. That it ain’t so easy to get Congress to come along/support your plans/ promises. Not even with some of your own party. Welcome to Washington, D.C. senor Presidente.

After 100 days of President Trump in the White House, those same “real American” conservati­ve/right-wing political commentato­rs, still mention Obama as much as they do Trump. Obama couldn’t do anything right and now Trump can’t do anything wrong. DANIEL SANTILLAN Calexico

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