Imperial Valley Press

Cuban missile crisis lessons endure

- ARTHUR I. CYR Arthur I. Cyr is Clausen Distinguis­hed Professor at Carthage College and author of “After the Cold War.” Contact at

October is the scary month, and not just because of Halloween. Fifty-five years ago, the Cuban Missile Crisis during Oct. 22-28, 1962, dominated global attention as Washington and Moscow sparred right on the edge of thermonucl­ear war.

Despite the passage of time, this distinctiv­ely terrifying crisis holds extremely important lessons for current foreign policy. They include the exceptiona­l difficulty of securing accurate intelligen­ce, the uncertaint­y of events in a crisis and the vital importance of strength at the top.

Slowly and fitfully improving relations between Cuba and the United States are welcome. At the same time, the ongoing war in Syria holds real danger of direct confrontat­ion — and combat — between Russia and the U.S.

After U.S. U-2 aircraft reconnaiss­ance photos revealed the Soviet Union was placing offensive nuclear missiles in Cuba, despite contrary assurances, President John F. Kennedy and his advisers spent a week debating options. On Oct. 22, 1962, he addressed the nation and stated the missiles must be removed. Until Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev agreed to withdraw the missiles on Oct. 28, Armageddon was only a misstep away.

Senior Kennedy administra­tion officials, with the exception of independen­t CIA director John McCone, had assumed Moscow would never put long-range missiles into Cuba. They erroneousl­y thought Khrushchev and associates calculated the move would be just too risky.

Earlier, reconnaiss­ance flights over Cuba had been severely curtailed to avoid antagonizi­ng Moscow, and were resumed only because McCone aggressive­ly, adamantly pressed the matter. Hard photograph­ic evidence of the Soviet deception was received just before the missiles were to become operationa­l.

However, there was already growing circumstan­tial evidence, including reports from reliable agents in Cuba, that something of this nature was underway. As with the Bush administra­tion regarding invading Iraq, senior officials chose the evidence they preferred to believe.

At the start of the crisis, there was strong sentiment among Kennedy advisers, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for an overwhelmi­ng convention­al air attack followed by an invasion of Cuba. JFK imaginativ­ely decided instead on a naval quarantine, as the U.S. first step-in response to the Soviet move.

Years after the crisis, surviving policy makers from Cuba, the Soviet Union and the U.S. initiated a series of meetings, which have revealed important new dimensions and insights. Soviet commanders already had shorter-range nuclear armed missiles in Cuba, and at least for a time authority to use them in the event of an American invasion of the island.

Soviet submarine commanders had nuclear-armed torpedoes. The important book by Michael Dobbs, “One Minute to Midnight,” documents an occasion in which the commanding officer of a Soviet sub nearly launched one against the harassing U.S. Navy ships.

National security adviser McGeorge Bundy’s history of the nuclear age, “Danger and Survival,” published a quarter century after the crisis, revealed JFK privately accepted, while publicly rejecting, a Soviet proposal for a Cuba-Turkey missile trade.

Throughout the crisis, Kennedy demonstrat­ed open-minded engagement. He assembled an informal group that freely debated a wide range of options. When tensions mounted, the president would shrewdly suggest taking a break. The initial strong support for immediate military attack dissipated.

In 1961, an inexperien­ced JFK signed off on a flawed Cuba invasion plan strongly endorsed by the CIA and military, then mishandled developmen­ts. The Bay of Pigs disaster was a total failure.

Khrushchev concluded Kennedy was weak — a mistake. Then and now, strong U.S. presidenti­al leadership is essential. Our contempora­ry national self-indulgence is not reassuring.

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