Imperial Valley Press




1. Salad ingredient 7. Voting groups 12. Hole in the head 14. Info about one’s educa- tion and work history 16. Rice cooked in broth 17. Irate 18. Sightseein­g excursions 19. The “L” of XXL 21. “Dear old” guy 22. “... or ___!” 23. Fast talk 24. Flimsy, as an excuse 25. “Comprende?” 26. Certain print 27. Molecule consisting of two identical, simpler molecules 28. Bar offering 29. Men in Spain 30. Manned artificial satellites (2 wds) 33. Low, indistinct, continuous sound 34. Laugh-a-minute folks 35. Ishmael’s people 36. Get a wife 37. Impede, with “down” 40. Ancient Andean 41. Rice ___ 42. Honey 43. “Welcome” site 44. Library device 45. Poisonous substance in a snake bite 46. Territory ruled by an Islamic chieftain 48. Run 50. Without doubt 51. Associate 52. Botherer 53. “The English Patient” setting


1. Rich cakes, in Austria 2. Brooks Robinson, e.g. 3. Treat badly 4. Prior to, old-style 5. Small songbirds 6. Columbus Day mo. 7. “That’s it!” 8. Balcony section 9. “___ to Billie Joe” 10. Indian herb having aromatic seeds 11. Soft-shell clams 13. Crude stone artifacts 14. Trash hauler 15. Venomous Old World snakes 20.Westerly wind above the tropical prevailing wind 23. ___-guided 24. A floor covering (shortened, pl.) 26. Slimy protective secretion 27. Pan, e.g. 28. Brazilian dance 29. Alibi 30. Called by a family identifier, such as Smith 31. “___ makes perfect” 32. Delivery by parachute 33. Injured 36. Bred 37. ___ split 38. ___ dictum 39. Family subdivisio­ns 41. Eucharisti­c plate 42. Space for a ship to dock 44. Carpenter’s groove 45. Actress Miles

47. Backboard attachment 49. ___ de deux

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