Imperial Valley Press

Republican­s avoid becoming an election piñata

- Michael Shannon can be reached MICHAEL SHANNON VIEWPOINT

The stubborn intransige­nce of the Partido Democrata de los Estados Unidos may have just cost it the 2018 midterm election. I’ll admit I’m in awe of the influence a large group of entitled, ungrateful and anti-American illegals has over Democratas, but this time the slavish devotion leftist politician­s have to these invaders backfired.

Which brings to mind a related point. Shouldn’t the Partido Democrata be required to register as a foreign agent? If Paul Manafort can be indicted by Robert ‘Ahab’ Mueller for failing to register in connection with work for the Ukraine - a nation with zero influence in Congress - it seems only fair that a political party which spends most of its time representi­ng non-citizen lawbreaker­s should be forced to register, too.

Besides, it’s becoming obvious there was no significan­t Russian 2016 election meddling or “collusion.” While evidence of the influence Mexico has on elections goes completely uninvestig­ated.)

It would have been easy enough for Democratas to agree to partial funding for Trump’s wall - AKA the Muro de Humillacio­n - and then convenient­ly forget about it just as they did after Reagan’s “one-time-only” amnesty.

This strategy would have had two advantages. It would have cleared Democratas’ offices of the screaming, aggressive moochers known as ‘Sonadores’, while almost guaranteei­ng a midterm Republican wipeout.

The promise of a wall in the future would not have been enough to overcome an amnesty in the present for conservati­ves. While energized leftists descended on the polls, enervated conservati­ves would’ve stayed home. Passive-aggressive Curator of the Senate Mitch McConnell would have returned to minority status, along with Paul Rino.

That didn’t happen. Not because crony conservati­ves decided to represent citizens instead of the Chamber of Commerce and the Kochs. The GOP wasn’t opposed to the citizenshi­p giveaway. McConnell and Ryan would’ve been happy to simultaneo­usly display their “compassion” and political death wish by passing a DACA/Sonadores amnesty.

What prevented amnesty was Trump’s promise to veto any bill that didn’t contain funding for the wall. The GOP Jellyfish caucus didn’t suddenly become immigratio­n hardliners who believe citizenshi­p is more than a cheap geography prize that can be traded for votes.

Republican­s didn’t want to be embarrasse­d by a Trump veto. In turn, Trump was saved from betraying his base by Democratas’ anti-citizen fanaticism.

Even though the DACA amnistia was temporaril­y defeated, the existing political situation for conservati­ves remains unchanged.

Country club Republican­s running the House and Senate continue to view the conservati­ve base the same way arrogant explorers viewed natives in Africa: Conservati­ves are dangerous savages useful for toting ballot boxes on their head while the master is in the bush, but they must be thoroughly house-broken before being allowed into polite society.

Conservati­ves are stuck in a situation that’s worse than the French in 1942. We’re ruled by a Vichy government filled with accommodat­ionist weaklings and our D-Day reinforced the enemy instead of providing victory.

The only way the political situation will change is if conservati­ves act unilateral­ly to change it. And this brings us back to my “Lose the House to Win the Future” strategy.

The cocktail conservati­ves of the GOP establishm­ent must be sent a message that will smash the impervious barrier of complacenc­y and arrogance that surrounds their Capitol Hill offices. Conservati­ves must change their voting behavior in November 2018.

Instead of holding your nose and voting for some caretaker conservati­ve, I want you to cast a write-in ballot for Mark Meadows, chairman of the genuinely conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus. Resist the temptation to write in Mickey Mouse or some other cartoon character. That’s a mistake that will result in your vote being dismissed as a frivolous vote.

A nationwide write-in campaign where conservati­ves write Meadows’ name on the Congressio­nal ballot will be a message that’s impossible for even the congenital­ly oblivious McConnell to ignore.

Losing the House will also help. Let me stress House votes are the only change for conservati­ves. Votes for Senate GOP candidates remain unchanged, even if your only choice is a media parasite like Lindsey Graham (R-Amnesty). It simply takes too long to regain control of the Senate.

I know newly empowered House Democratas will pass gun confiscati­on bills, grant illegal aliens citizenshi­p and demand Baptists dance at samesex weddings, but it won’t matter. The bills will die in the Senate or Trump will veto.

What will matter is seat-warming Republican­s will see what their future holds if they continue to alienate conservati­ves. If the GOP proves they’ve embraced RINO Reform, then go back to voting as usual in 2020. Trump will win and for the first time he’ll have a genuinely conservati­ve and motivated congressio­nal majority with which to work.

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