Imperial Valley Press

Over 10,000 endangered tortoises are rescued in Madagascar


JOHANNESBU­RG — Internatio­nal conservati­onists in Madagascar have been treating more than 10,000 critically endangered radiated tortoises that were seized from tra ckers who crammed the creatures into a home with no access to food or water.

The Turtle Survival Alliance and other groups are caring for the tortoises at a wildlife facility in the Ifaty region of the Indian Ocean nation, although hundreds have died from illness and dehydratio­n.

The alliance says police found the radiated tortoises at a home in Toliara on April 10. The group said the amphibians native to southern Madagascar likely had been collected for the illegal pet trade, with Asia possibly the intended market.

Radiated tortoises are coveted for the star pattern on their shells.

Most of the surviving tortoises appear “fairly healthy,” said Susie Bartlett, a veterinari­an with the Wildlife Conservati­on Society based at the Bronx Zoo. In an email, Bartlett described the challenges of working with the huge number of tortoises.

Each morning, “ill tortoises that are under veterinary care are collected from their enclosures and brought to the clinic in large tubs and pans,” Bartlett wrote. “Sick animals are given subcutaneo­us fluids to rehydrate them and antibiotic­s if needed, along with vitamin supplement­ation. This is easily done with the sick tortoises that do not have much strength to retract their heads and legs.”

However, as tortoises get stronger it gets more di cult to extend a leg out of a shell to find a fold of skin for an injection, according to Bartlett. Some of the rescued animals have eye and mouth infections and are given pain medicine.

Conservati­onists from zoos in the United States — the Bronx Zoo, Zoo Knoxville in Tennessee, Hogle Zoo in Utah, Dallas Zoo and Oklahoma City Zoo — are participat­ing in the rescue. About 1,500 radiated tortoises deemed to be healthy have been moved to other facilities in Madagascar.

 ??  ?? In this photo taken April, 24, and supplied by The Wildlife Alliance, a critically endangered radiated tortoise is recovering from capture by wildlife tra ckers in Madagascar at feeding time at a wildlife facility where it is being taken care of by...
In this photo taken April, 24, and supplied by The Wildlife Alliance, a critically endangered radiated tortoise is recovering from capture by wildlife tra ckers in Madagascar at feeding time at a wildlife facility where it is being taken care of by...

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