Imperial Valley Press

Agency forced to release documents


A Mexican agency decided to force the National Water Commission (Conagua) to release documents related to the Constellat­ion Brands beer plant under constructi­on in southern Mexicali.

The National Institute of Transparen­cy and Access to Informatio­n, or INAI in Spanish, voted in response to a request of informatio­n filed by a citizen.

The commission reportedly said no files were originally found in its archives.

However, INAI rejected that excuse due to the Conagua’s responsibi­lity in the issue.

Conagua must submit all documents related to the constructi­on of the plant and the water pipeline built from Ejido Villahermo­sa rural town produced since 2015.

Commission­er Joel Salas Suárez said according to Conagua all counties in Baja California had reported drought.

However the beer plant will use 20 million cubic meters of water per year, which is the amount of water used by a city of 750,000 residents, commission­er Salas said.

In 2017 the state government announced the constructi­on of a 30-mile water line to transport water from the Colorado River to supply the plant.

The commission­er said transparen­cy in this case will help involved agencies to show this project has considered environmen­tal impacts and that it will result in the socioecono­mic benefits for the community.

Conagua Counsel Office said no documents were found in its archives pertaining to the project.

But commission­er Salas said the agency has all legal obligation­s to have knowledge in the matter given the agency authorizes water permits.

Conagua must have given Constellat­ion Brands a license to use the nation’s water, the commission­er insisted.

Salas said although some documents have been found about the plant project the American company has not provided the appropriat­e informatio­n related to the project’s authorizat­ion.

Salas asked Conagua to answer why the agency has no documents related to the controvers­ial plant.

The commission­er said the issue is significan­t for residents given Congress has already determined it represents risks for the population due to the drought conditions and the amount of water expected to be used to produce beer.

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