Imperial Valley Press

Counting starts after Zimbabwean­s vote in pivotal election


HARARE, Zimbabwe — With hope and pride, millions of Zimbabwean­s voted peacefully Monday in an election that many believe is their best chance to escape the toxic politics and dead-end economics of the era of Robert Mugabe, who wasn’t on the ballot for the first time in the nation’s nearly four-decade history.

But opposition activists used to the violence, intimidati­on and vote-tampering that marred elections under Mugabe called for vigilance against the same kind of skulldugge­ry this time around. Western monitors noted some problems at polling stations, but said it wasn’t yet clear whether they reflected a deliberate effort to manipulate the elections.

“They may be peaceful, but we don’t know how credible they are,” said 51-year-old Classified Chivese, a voter who, like many Zimbabwean­s, is unemployed.

Zimbabwe’s political climate has opened up since 94-yearold Mugabe, who once said he would rule for life, resigned in November after a military takeover and ruling party move to impeach him. Throngs celebrated the removal of Mugabe, in power since independen­ce from white minority rule in 1980, but many Zimbabwean­s view Monday’s election as an equally important milestone.

More than 5.5 million people were registered to vote in an election featuring a record more than 20 presidenti­al candidates and nearly 130 political parties vying for parliament­ary seats. If no presidenti­al candidate wins more than 50 percent of the vote, a runoff will be held Sept. 8.

The two main contenders were 75-year-old President Emmerson Mnangagwa, a former deputy president and longtime enforcer for Mugabe who has reinvented himself as a candidate for change; and 40-yearold Nelson Chamisa, a lawyer and pastor who became head of the main opposition party a few months ago after the death of its leader, Morgan Tsvangirai.

After polls closed at 7 p.m. and vote-counting began, Mnangagwa appealed to Zimbabwean­s to be patient and wait for the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to announce results. The final, official tally is expected within five days.

“Today, Zimbabwe experience­d a beautiful expression of freedom & democracy,” Mnangagwa tweeted. “No matter which way we voted, we are all brothers and sisters.”

Earlier, however, Chamisa said on Twitter that voting delays in urban areas, where his support is strong, were a “deliberate attempt” to undermine his election bid. The allegation­s by the head of the Movement for Democratic Change party intensifie­d concerns about management of the election and the prospect of a dispute over its outcome.

The head of the European Union mission monitoring Zimbabwe’s elections said his team saw “huge difference­s” in the pace of voting at polling stations. Voters at one location waited less than an hour to cast their ballots while others at a nearby station waited more than half the day, Elmar Brok said.

“In some cases, it works very smoothly,” Brok said. “But in others, we see that it’s totally disorganiz­ed and that people become angry, that people leave.”

He noted a case of the ruling ZANU-PF party delivering 100 people by bus to vote in a district where they didn’t live. Observers have to check whether it was a single example or part of a pattern “which might have influence on the result of the elections,” Brok said.

The fact that Brok and other Western observers were even in Zimbabwe and free to operate wherever they liked reflected a new transparen­cy after years of Mugabe banning outside monitors. Still, there were concerns about bias in state media, a lack of transparen­cy in ballot printing and reports of intimidati­on by pro-government traditiona­l leaders who are supposed to stay neutral.

Among opposition objections was that the ballots listed presidenti­al candidates in two columns of 14 and nine names, with Mnangagwa at the top of the second column — a spot that would presumably make it easier for people to vote for him. Observers say the law requires a single column of names in alphabetic­al order.

Also, millions of Zimbabwean­s living abroad, including in neighborin­g South Africa, were barred from voting unless they traveled home to do so. The government said it did not have the resources to organize voting for expatriate­s, many of whom are believed to support the opposition.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, accused of manipulati­ng election wins for Mugabe in the past, has said this vote will be free and fair.

 ??  ?? Zimbabwes main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa greets supporters after casting his vote at a polling station in Harare, Zimbabwe, on Monday. About 5.5 million people are registered to vote in this southern African nation. AP PHOTO/TSVANGIRAY­I MUKWAZHI
Zimbabwes main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa greets supporters after casting his vote at a polling station in Harare, Zimbabwe, on Monday. About 5.5 million people are registered to vote in this southern African nation. AP PHOTO/TSVANGIRAY­I MUKWAZHI

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