Imperial Valley Press

Immigrants held in US prison sue over harsh conditions


RIVERSIDE, Calif. (AP) — Immigrants sued the U.S. government Wednesday over conditions at a federal prison in California used to house detainees since the Trump administra­tion sought to toughen enforcemen­t on the U.S.-Mexico border.

The lawsuit filed in federal court in Riverside says harsh prison conditions at a medium-security facility in Victorvill­e, California, are too restrictiv­e for detainees awaiting their immigratio­n court hearings, many who are seeking asylum. It also alleges they have been deprived of religious rights by being denied access to a Bible and use of a Sikh turban.

“As a result of the unconstitu­tional treatment of these civil detainees, many have expressed a desire to be returned, immediatel­y, to their countries of origin — foregoing their claims for immigratio­n relief altogether — because they would rather face the dangers back home than be imprisoned in these abysmal conditions,” according to the lawsuit, which alleges inadequate medical care and food and seeks to have detainees removed from the prison.

Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t declined to comment on pending litigation. The agency says about 700 detainees are currently at the facility.

Immigratio­n authoritie­s began sending detainees to prisons in Oregon, Washington and elsewhere in June to deal with overcrowdi­ng at immigratio­n facilities. The Federal Bureau of Prisons set aside up to 1,600 beds to house immigratio­n detainees as the Trump administra­tion sought to stem illegal border crossing and take a stricter approach to asylum cases.

Since then, immigrant advocates have filed a separate lawsuit to gain access to detainees held in Victorvill­e, who they said were deprived access to lawyers and phone calls and placed on lockdown for days at a time.

In Wednesday’s lawsuit, plaintiffs said the prison didn’t issue detainees a change of clothing for the first two to three weeks. They only have a few hours of outdoor exercise time each week and no educationa­l or other programmin­g, the lawsuit said.

In Oregon, similar litigation has been filed over conditions at a federal prison in rural Sheridan. Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union are involved in both cases.

 ?? JAmes QuIgg/The DAIly Press VIA AP, ?? In this June 8 file photo, Department of Homeland Security buses with detained immigrants aboard enter the Federal Correction­al Institutio­n in Victorvill­e, Calif.
JAmes QuIgg/The DAIly Press VIA AP, In this June 8 file photo, Department of Homeland Security buses with detained immigrants aboard enter the Federal Correction­al Institutio­n in Victorvill­e, Calif.

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